The Rotary Membership Committee consisting of Co-Chair Brent Myers, Co-Chair Mary Jones, member Naomi Lewis, member Tom Atchison and member John Pokorny has been very busy developing this years growth and retention plans. We are evaluating a broad spectrum of ideas to grow our club to 40 members by June of 2017. Some ideas are long range requiring evaluation and time to implement. Others are very easy to implement. For example, we have identified some very specific vocations our club needs to round out our member profile.
For the remainder of August and all of September, we are encouraging all club members to identify and invite legal professional and or an accounting professional to one of our meetings. Members that bring someone from these professions will be awarded additional tickets to our weekly 50/50 raffle. These tickets will increase their odds of having the opportunity to draw the winning card from the deck that will give them 50% of the pot that has been building up these past few weeks from folks contributing to the 50/50 raffle.
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