Since 2014 our club has given over 7500 Dictionaries to 3rd grade students at 11 LISD Elementary Schools. This week we are distributing dictionaries to 960 of the 2022 third graders.

Distibuting the dictionaries is actually the most enjoyable part of the project. While passing out the dictionaries, one Rotarian will speak to the students.Introducing themself and  fellow Rotary Members from the LMR, We ask students to write the name on the 1st page because the dictionaries are theirs to keep. After every student has a dictionary, they look up word rotary and let them read definition and we tell the story of how Rotary got its name.
Mark Smith, Deanna Perkins, Bob Troyer and John Pokorny delivering dictionaries and providing information about the dictionaries and Rotary
Every year the process starts with a group of members meeting to prepare the dictionaries. We uncrate the books and insert a lable in the front page that includes a place to write their name and our club logo. Here are a few photo's from Saturdays event.
This one falls under the heading of caption this with event chair Charlene and Ray
In addition to those pictured, Bob Troyer, Mark Smith and John Pokorny helped these 5 make small work of the project. It took us a little over an hour to prepare 960 dicrionaries. 
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