World Polio Day 2024 David Burdick 2024-10-22 05:00:00Z 0 End Polio Now,Polio Plus,rotary international

The Rotary 4-Way Test: A Way of Life

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The Rotary 4-Way Test is a moral code for personal and business relationships.  Herbert J. Taylor started it in 1932. Later, Rotary International, a global service group, adopted it. The members of Rotary are committed to maintaining high ethical standards. 
  • The 4-Way Test is a simple and strong guide used by Rotarians around the world. It promotes truth, fairness, goodwill, and helpful actions. 
  • The 4-Way Test functions as both a personal compass and a trigger for community involvement and societal accountability. 
By using these principles, people can encourage others to follow ethical practices. This creates a ripple effect that reaches beyond personal relationships and into society. This shared commitment to truth, fairness, goodwill, and benefit creates a culture of accountability and respect. This, in turn, leads to stronger and more resilient communities.
    The Rotary 4-Way Test: A Way of Life David Burdick 2024-10-09 05:00:00Z 0
    Another Great Weekend at Lewisville Western Days David Burdick 2024-09-29 05:00:00Z 0
    Andy Eads, District Governor Visit - September 2024 David Burdick 2024-09-27 05:00:00Z 0
    LISD Update from Dr. Lori Rapp David Burdick 2024-09-19 05:00:00Z 0

    The Rotary Foundation

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    We will celebrate International Day of Charity on September 5, 2024. With this, we want to share some information about The Rotary Foundation.  This post shares links to help you learn about a world-class foundation that has been supporting important global initiatives for over 100 years.
    The Rotary Foundation David Burdick 2024-09-02 05:00:00Z 0
    Salvation Army Renovation Celebration David Burdick 2024-08-27 05:00:00Z 0 City of Lewisville,Lewisville,Salvation Army,service above self

    Service Project in Costa Rica 2024

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    Recently, one of our members, Mark Smith, had the opportunity to accompany other members of District 5790 Rotary Clubs to Costa Rica to participate on a Rotary global grant project centered on establishing an Autism center in Costa Rica ( A Center for Kids with Autism in Costa Rica ). The trip consisted of members from four local clubs.  The project is coordinated through a local rotary club in Costa Rica.
    Service Project in Costa Rica 2024 2024-08-22 05:00:00Z 0 Costa Rica,Denton Rotary,International service project,People of action
    The Red Carpet 2024 David Burdick 2024-08-13 05:00:00Z 0 Central Elementary School,LSID,Lewisville Texas,People of action,Red Carpet

    Pass The Gavel 2024

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    We had a great celebration as we passed the gavel to the incoming club president, Todd.  Todd has been a president for our club and has been gracious to take on the roll one more time.  We look forward to the positive impact and leadership that Todd will bring to our club for the 2024-25 year.  We also would like to pause and give thanks to Richard M.  We are grateful for your time as the president.
    Pass The Gavel 2024 David Burdick 2024-07-02 05:00:00Z 0 Club President,Pass the Gavel
    2024 Annual Bike Awards at Central Elementary School Mark Smith 2024-05-23 05:00:00Z 0
    Lewisville Morning Rotary at ColorPalooza 2024 Mark Smith 2024-05-01 05:00:00Z 0
    Lewisville Morning Rotary Presents Our Central Elementary Hydroponic Project at Earthx2024 Conference 2024-04-23 05:00:00Z 0
    Come and EAT IT 2024 David Burdick 2024-03-29 05:00:00Z 0 Central Elementary School,Independence Gardens,People of action,service above self
    Four-way Test Speech Contest 2024 David Burdick 2024-03-07 06:00:00Z 0 District 5790,Lewisville Morning Rotary,Rotary,Rotary Four Way Test
    A Commitment to End Polio David Burdick 2024-02-26 06:00:00Z 0 End Polio Now,rotary international
    Bringing Food and Science to Central Elementary School Mark Smith 2024-01-31 06:00:00Z 0 Central Elementary School,Community Service,Education,Environment
    Pancakes with Santa 2023 David Burdick 2023-12-04 06:00:00Z 0 Breakfast with Santa,City of Lewisville,Community Service

    Ringing the Bell for Salvation Army

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    Ho! Ho! Ho! Happy Holidays!

    Once again, our members took to the sidewalk to ring the bell for the Salvaion Army in Lewisville, Texas.  Faces and the sun were shining and we had a great time.
    Ringing the Bell for Salvation Army David Burdick 2023-11-29 06:00:00Z 0
    Our Guest from Nigeria - Hairat Mark Smith 2023-08-24 05:00:00Z 0

    Maui Fire Relief Fund

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    Maui Needs Your Help!
    In the aftermath of the recent destruction faced by our communities on Maui; Hawai’i Rotary District 5000 has launched the
    Maui Fires Relief Fund.
    Maui Fire Relief Fund 2023-08-24 05:00:00Z 0
    Lewisville Morning Rotary receives Vibrant Club Award at May 20th District Conference 2023-06-06 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary supports local Non-Profits

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    Since last July, Lewisville Morning Rotary members have logged over 363 volunteer hours supporting various community non-profits initiatives. This past April we also provided financial support for 10 non-profits through grants supporting their projects.
    Early this year, grant forms were sent out and non-profits requested funding in support of their projects. The following grant awards were provided over the past month:
    Lewisville Morning Rotary supports local Non-Profits 2023-05-12 05:00:00Z 0

    A memo from one our scholarship recipients

    Dear Rotary President,
    I just wanted to say thank you for awarding me the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club Scholarship. I also wanted to apologize for sending this letter out so late, I just recently moved from Lewisville to Caddo Mills and all of my things have been in storage. I have been living in an RV since I moved here and I havent had access to all of my belongings. I really do miss Lewisville, there was so much more to do there and it was overall a good place to live. I currently attend Texas A&M Commerce and I am majoring in Kinesiology. My current plan for my future is to hopefully become a Physician Assistant and I know PA school is difficult to get into so I am trying my best to keep my grades up. I have a 4.0 for now and I am doing everything I can to keep it that way. I also recently became an ER Scribe in order to get medical experience. It is thanks to scholarships that I am able to continue my education so I wanted to say thank you again. Without this help I was given I would probably not be in the position I am now. I am the first person in my family to go to college and I know it is a big privilege to be here. If I have the funds to do so one day when I have a good job I want to give back just like you did and make a scholarship of my own.
    Thank you for all your help.
    Sincerely, Jacqueline Navarro
    A memo from one our scholarship recipients 2023-04-21 05:00:00Z 0

    Come join us April 22nd at ColorPalooza

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary is hosting a booth at the April 22nd ColorPalooza. We will partner with the Lewisville Painted Rocks group to have a kids activity painting rocks. 
    Kids love their Painted Rocks. So, do Adults
    Join us on April 22nd at Colorpalooza in Old Town Lewisville and Wayne Ferguson Plaza.  Our Rotary club will have a booth and will partner with the Lewisville Painted Rocks group to have a kids activity painting rocks. When you gather up all you Rock Painters to visit our booth, don't forger to gather up those old lithium-ion batteries you have laying support of Earth Day we will have a recycle collection box. See related story, click here. 
    Come join us April 22nd at ColorPalooza 2023-04-14 05:00:00Z 0

    Congratulations Todd Taylor

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    Club President Bob Troyer awards Paul Harris+6 pin to Todd Taylor at the April 13th meeting.

    Congratulations Todd! 

    The Rotary Foundation transforms our gifts into projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. As the charitable arm of Rotary, we tap into a global network of Rotarians who invest their time, money, and expertise into our priorities, such as eradicating polio and promoting peace. Foundation grants empower Rotarians to approach challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition with sustainable solutions that leave a lasting impact.

    Strong financial oversight, a stellar charity rating, and a unique funding model mean that we make the very most of your contribution. Give and become a part of Rotary’s life-changing work!

    The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. As the charitable arm of Rotary, we tap into a global network of Rotarians who invest their time, money, and expertise into our priorities, such as eradicating polio and promoting peace. Foundation grants empower Rotarians to approach challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition with sustainable solutions that leave a lasting impact.

    Strong financial oversight, a stellar charity rating, and a unique funding model mean that we make the very most of your contribution. Give and become a part of Rotary’s life-changing work!

    Congratulations Todd Taylor 2023-04-14 05:00:00Z 0

    You are invited to theLewisville Morning Rotary ColorPalooza Booth April 22

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    Join us on April 22nd at Colorpalooza in Old Town Lewisville and Wayne Ferguson Plaza. Did you know that April 22nd is also Earth Day. Help us celebrate Earth Day by bringing those old lithium-ion batteries you have laying around to our ColorPalooza booth and help us recycle in addition the Painted Rock activities


    Our Rotary club will have a booth and will partner with the Lewisville Painted Rocks group to have a kids activity painting rocks. 

    We will also have a collection box for used batteries at our booth, supporting the Pilot Knob Rotary Club.


    You are invited to theLewisville Morning Rotary ColorPalooza Booth April 22 2023-04-14 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotarians giving dictionaries to 3rd graders

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    On February 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th, members of the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club are visiting 11 Lewisville ISD School 3rd graders. Our Mission? To give awary dictionaries to 900 plus 3rd grade students.
    Why do we give away dictionaries to 3rd graders? Because students in grades 1 through 3 are learning to read. Grades 4 and up they are reading to learn. These dictionaries will be a valuable tool in assisting these students for the remainder of their academic career.
    This is a fun project for members as we give the dictionaires to the students we ask them to mark their name in the front, because now this dictionary is theirs. We have some fun exercises we ask the students to to do like look up the word rotary. Which of course we use as an entre into how Rotary got their name.
    Lewisville Morning Rotarians giving dictionaries to 3rd graders 2023-02-14 06:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary volunteers for Keep Lewisville Beautiful

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    Six Rotarians took an hour out of their Saturday to clean-up our Keep Lewisville Bueatiful Adopt-a-Spot on Garden Ridge.
    There were six Rotarians this morning (Jan 28, 2023). Thank you to Bob Troyer, Mark Smith, Deanna Perkins, Charlene Dierks, Francis Al-Waely and Todd Taylor. Our Rotary club arranged this spot with Keep Lewisville Bueatiful several year ago and Rotarians and their families have been keeping it look good since. In addition to clean-up activity, the club has also arranged the planting of a few trees near-by.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary volunteers for Keep Lewisville Beautiful 2023-01-28 06:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Rotary members get ready for our Annual Dictionary Project

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    Members of the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club spent their January 21st Saturday afternoon preparing dictionaries for distribution at 11 Lewisville ISD Schools.
    Every year, Lewisville Morning Rotarians distribute almost 1000 dictionaries to 3rd graders. Why? Because it is a well known fact that the first 3 years of a child's education a child learns to read and the remainder of their education is spent reading to learn. Having a dictionary at their finger tips is integral to that learning process. For some children this will be the 1st book they have ever owned. This year, as in past years we have asked teachers if the printed dictionary is still the most effective choice for those students. Most believe that the printed dictionary is the most effective tool for students to learn word meanings, usage, pronunciation, spelling and forms. Interestingly, one of our members had a conversation recently with a student at Lewisville High School who when he learned the member was from Lewisville Morning Rotary told our member he still has the dictionary we gave him in third grade.
    Lewisville Rotary members get ready for our Annual Dictionary Project 2023-01-24 06:00:00Z 0

    Our January 19th meeting a celebration of our partnership with Hebron High School

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    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club members have a passion for youth and vocational services through our Hebron High School partners.
    HHS Principal Amy Boughton was part of our Jan 19th program that included the November, December and January Students of the Month.
    Principal Amy is very supportive of Rotary initiatives such as the 4 Way Speech Contests and the Interact Clubs we have had in previous years and the opportunities for student volunteers at our Rotary projects such as the CCA Pantry, our Adopt-a-Spot and other club programs such as Western Days, ColorPalooza where students volunteer with our members.
    For the benefit of Amy, the HHS Admin staff, our 3 students of the month and their parents Mark Smith presented a great summary of past, present and future projects that HHS and LMR have done together.
    Our January 19th meeting a celebration of our partnership with Hebron High School 2023-01-23 06:00:00Z 0

    Dana Gingrey presented as the Hebron High School December 2022 Student of the Month at our January 19, 2023 meeting

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    Nominated by her Basketball Coach Lisa Branch, Dana has demonstrated her outstanding roll as a student leader at Hebron High School.

    Dana was voted team captain by her teammates for the girls basketball team for the second consecutive year.  She is the epitome of a great teammate. Dana is dependable, selfless, and coachable. In the academic classroom, Dana has proven to be an excellent student.  She displays a pleasant and positive attitude towards all staff and peers.  Outside of basketball, Dana gives her time at Prestonwood Baptist Church.  She is an amazing example of what a young leader should be!
    Dana Gingrey presented as the Hebron High School December 2022 Student of the Month at our January 19, 2023 meeting 2023-01-23 06:00:00Z 0

    Serena Cavanaugh announced as Hebron High School November Student of the Month

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    Serena was nominated by her Academic Decathlon (AcDec) coach Mrs. Donna Friend.

    Serena is a 3-year member of Hebron’s AcDec team, and she is a natural leader.  She is witty and clever, and she sees where she is needed.  If there is a spill on the floor, she will find a broom and sweep it up.  If we need help decorating the hall, she will stay late and come in early to make it look awesome.  When she knows our decathletes need an extra study session and preparation, she will organize it all and lead the teaching and learning.  Additionally, she has led by example in her personal studies and preparation, continuously improving and growing as a student and competitor.  She is just AWESOME!
    Serena Cavanaugh announced as Hebron High School November Student of the Month 2023-01-23 06:00:00Z 0

    Julian (JET) Thomson named Hebron High School Student of the Month for January 2023

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    Nominated by his Soccer Coach Matt Zimmerman, Julian (Jet) Thompson represents the image of a student leader through and through.

    Julian has been a member of the Varsity Men’s Soccer team since his sophomore year and is a 2-time Captain of the team.  Over the course of his Hebron Soccer career, Jet has become the lead voice of our players and a direct extension of the coaching leadership.  He is always willing to volunteer to do any jobs or help in the community on service projects.  Off the soccer field, Jet serves as a member of the Principal’s Advisory Council.  In the academic classroom, he displays an upbeat attitude and is excited to learn.  He is always willing to help his peers and has shown the utmost respect to faculty and administration.
    Julian (JET) Thomson named Hebron High School Student of the Month for January 2023 2023-01-23 06:00:00Z 0

    Taking a peek into Ms. Karen's Community Closet

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    Ms Karen's Community Closet was founded to positively impact the lives of individuals and families who are experiencing a personal crisis in our immediate community and beyond.
    In the few short months since they received their 503.(3) c notification status they have grown by leaps and bounds. Through generous donations from donors and sponsors they have helped more people than ever before.
    Taking a peek into Ms. Karen's Community Closet 2023-01-05 06:00:00Z 0

    2022 Breakfast with Santa a successful event

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club members and volunteers serve 450 meals at our annual Breakfast with Santa at the Lewisville Old Town Holiday Stroll December 3rd.
    Our Breakfast with Santa event served members of the Lewisville Area community attending the annual Lewisville Holiday Stroll in Oldtown. This year, our Breakfast with Santa event was a community partnership involving club members, the Salvation Army who provided the truck where we cooked the pancakes, the City of Lewisville City of Lewisville who provided tents, chairs, promotion and coordination and Johnson Feed who allowed us to use their facilities for preparing and serving the food.
    2022 Breakfast with Santa a successful event 2022-12-06 06:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary seeking sponsors for Breakfast with Santa

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    Members are encouraging businesses and community members to participate in sponsoring our Breakfast with Santa at the Old Town Holiday Stroll on December 3rd.
    We will be serving over 800 meals. Sponsorships are available from $1500 to $50. Click here to see sponsorships available and to purchase a sponsorships.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary seeking sponsors for Breakfast with Santa 2022-11-02 05:00:00Z 0

    Guest Speaker, Colleyville Rotary Club Member Jon Bullock shares passion to End Polio Worldwide

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    Since 1987, Rotary has been leading the world wide effort to end polio so that no child anywhere has to endure the paralysis caused by polio.
    For those of us in the west where polio has been eradicated a long time ago, the fact that Rotary has been leading the fight to end polio for over 35 years is almost anti-climatic. Consequently, it is sometimes hard to generate any enthusiasm among the community and fellow Rotary members to donate money to end polio. However, the recent news of a polio victim in New York state and the recent pandemic experience reminds us all that polio exposure is only a plane ride away.
    Guest Speaker, Colleyville Rotary Club Member Jon Bullock shares passion to End Polio Worldwide John A. Pokorny 2022-10-27 05:00:00Z 0

    A week full of End Polio Now events

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    A week that began October 17th with the Lewisville City Council declaring the week of October 18 through October 24th End Polio Now Week and October 24th as End Polio Day in recognition of the efforts of Rotary including the Lewisville Morning Rotary and the Lewisville Noon Rotary clubs ended World Polio Day October 24th.
    The week was dedicated to promoting, advocating and donating to Ending Polio worldwide. We still have two endemic countries where polio is still present and Rotary is dedicated to ending the disease worldwide. And eradicating polio is still costly. Through the efforts of the Bill Gates Foundation matching funds Rotary and its members are dedicating  over 150 million dollars annually. So our week included an End Polio Now Fund Raiser.
    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club was able to donate $407 to End Polio Now through its
    Wine Tasting to End Polio event October 21st at Wines with (an) Appeal in Lewisville.
    Thank you owner Tome Rowe for hosting such a fun way to raise money to End Polio
    A week full of End Polio Now events 2022-10-26 05:00:00Z 0

    Olivia Lowary named Student of the Month from Hebron High School.

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    Known by her peers for her skills on the volleyball court, Hebron High School Senior, Olivia Lowary is also an academic all star thar has maintained a 92+ grade point average throughout her four years of high school, putting her in the top 13% of her class.
    Olivia has been a part of the volleyball program at Hebron High School for the past four years. She is hardworking and dedicated to both her athletic endeavors as well as her academics. Olivia has played Varsity Volleyball since her sophomore year and has earned the respect of her teammates and coaches in her desire to achieve it all! This is evident by her being voted team captain her senior year. We are proud to announce that Olivia has verbally committed to playing volleyball for Central Oklahoma University next Fall.
    Olivia Lowary named Student of the Month from Hebron High School. 2022-10-26 05:00:00Z 0

    The world as I see it by Samba Sey

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    If the name Samba Sey sounds familiar, it should. He was a member of our club a while back. He has an art exhibit scheduled at the Lewisville Grand Theater from Oct 29th through November 26th.
    Let's show Samba our support by showing up at his opening ceremony Saturday October 29th at 6:30 pm. Congratulations Samba!
    The world as I see it by Samba Sey 2022-10-12 05:00:00Z 0

    Consider supporting the 2023 Rose Bowl Float this year

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    The 2023 Float will be our 43rd consecutive Parade entry. The float is funded by generous donations from Rotarians and Sponsorships.
    This years float after being painted. Thousands more volunteer hours will be dedicated in decorating

    Our members recently participated in a "float" for the Lewisville High School Homecoming Day Parade. It was a fun event, and several hundred people in Lewisville learned a little bit about Rotary, our club and received a piece of candy that was tossed to parade watchers.

    Consider supporting the 2023 Rose Bowl Float this year 2022-10-09 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club to host a Wine Tasting to End Polio Oct 21st

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    Wine Tasting to End Polio will take place October 21, 2022 at Wines with an Appeal in Lewisville, Texas. Proceeds from the event will be contributed to Rotary Internationals End Polio Now campaign.

    On the October 21st those that have purchased a $20 ticket will gather at the Wines with and Appeal classroom where owner Tom Rowe and staff will teach them how to develop or enhance their enjoyment of wine. They provide the wine for tasting, wine glasses and the experienced and knowledgeable instructor and servers. You'll taste 10 to 12 different wines all of which will be available for ordering. Our members will be donating light appetizers for the event that will be served buffet style during breaks.

    Purchase your tickets now.

    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club to host a Wine Tasting to End Polio Oct 21st 2022-10-08 05:00:00Z 0

    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club supports the Lewisville Education Foundation

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    Shown here with LEF Director, Dr. Thomas White, Club President Bob Troyer presents a check of $1000 for two scholarships to be award this spring.
    LEF is just one of the many local charities your support of our projects through money and time to the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club allows us to provide with funds. Our members have a passion for literacy. The scholarships are awarded to High School Seniors who have attended Central Elementary School in Lewisville or have been involved in Interact at Hebron High School or The Colony High School.
    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club supports the Lewisville Education Foundation 2022-10-07 05:00:00Z 0

    5th Thursday Club Social a rousing success

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    "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". As a club, we proudly profess our commitment to community service through our many community service programs. But, we are anything but dull. We love to get together with our Rotary buds for Clubs Socials. Our 5th Thursday Club Social was an wonderful event for all that attended.
    Our 5th Thursday Club Social was hosted by Larue Winery. The outstanding BBQ and fixin's were provided by member Ray Bowens and the desert that everyone was raving about was provided by member Marilyn Pokorny. In attendance were most of our club members and invited guests that have supported club our club activities and fundraisers. Designed to be an informal get together where guests and members get to know each other, Club President Bob Troyer welcomed everyone during one of the "open mike" breaks and spoke briefly about our club and announced the upcoming events. 
    5th Thursday Club Social a rousing success 2022-09-30 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary participates in the 2022 LHS Homecoming Parade

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    Members join in on the fun with a float celebrating the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club at the 2022 Lewisville High School Parade.
    (L-R) Mark Smith, Todd Taylor, Charlene Dierks and Bob Troyer
    A good time was had by all as members rode the parade route tossing candy to the crowd line up to watch the parade through Old Town Lewisville. Float theme was Aloha! And, the weather was perfect for the event.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary participates in the 2022 LHS Homecoming Parade 2022-09-29 05:00:00Z 0

    Western Day Parking Concession operated by members of Lewisville Morning Rotary

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    Members volunteer their time the Friday evening of the City of Lewisville's Western Days and all day Saturday of Western Days to manage the limited parking availability in the Christian Community Action campus parking lot.
                      Resting up for the evening rush             Volunteer Spud Webb and Ray Bowens                  Scouting Volunteers
    Anyone that had been to the Annual Lewisville Western Days knows that parking is a bit of a premium during the event. And this year as a result of construction in Old Town it is even more so. While the need for parking during the afternoon is light. The CCA Parking lots are pretty much filled in the evenings as the crowds come in for the concerts. In total we were able to provide parking for 312 families attending this years Western Days event.
    Thank you to all our volunteers including Rotary members, scouting partners and friends. We could not have done it without you.
    Western Day Parking Concession operated by members of Lewisville Morning Rotary 2022-09-26 05:00:00Z 0
    Lewisville Morning Rotary partners with GDS to serve Pancakes at CCA Western Days 5K 2022-09-25 05:00:00Z 0

    Hebron High School senior Matthew Bass named Lewisville Morning Rotary Student of the Month

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    Class of 2023 Hebron High School student Matthew Bass recognized as the Lewisville Morning Rotary Student of the Month for September.
    From left to right, Matthew Bass, Club President Bob Troyer and Assistant Principal Marybeth Coen
    Matthew was introduced to club members at the September 22nd meeting by Hebron High School Assistant Principal Marybeth Coen. Nominated by Hebron High School Football Coach Towels. Matthew plays tight end for the Hawks.  Matthew is a student- athlete who takes dual credit courses;  he is a member of NSHSS and FCA, and carries a 3.96 GPA. While taking classes at a high level and practicing football, he also finds time to complete service-learning hours for Hebron HS on a weekly basis. Matthew Bass is a great representation of Hebron HS and Hawks Football.
    Hebron High School senior Matthew Bass named Lewisville Morning Rotary Student of the Month 2022-09-22 05:00:00Z 0

    Francisca Al-Waely inducted as member of Lewisville Morning Rotary

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club welcomes back Francisca (aka Frances) Al-Waely at the September 1st meeting. Club President Bob Troyer performed the induction ceremony as her sponsor, Deanna Perkins looks on in this photo.
    Frances is the Regional Branch Manager, South Region for the DATCU Credit Union here in Lewisville. Having joined our club 10 years ago when she served in several different rolls including club Treasurer, she is now back as an active member. Frances lives in Lewisville. She has a daughter and granddaughter. 
    Francisca Al-Waely inducted as member of Lewisville Morning Rotary 2022-09-09 05:00:00Z 0

    Guest Speaker Michelle Cook of Book Drive for Kids shares BDK mission at Sept 1st Meeting

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    The Book Drive for Kids organization wishes to to help create a culture of literacy by providing books for disadvantaged children for independent reading.
    Independent reading is reading that is not tested, is content chosen by the reader, and is done for pleasure or personal fulfillment. Studies suggest that independent readers become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than those who do not. Today's guest speaker, Michelle Cook shared with our members how her organization which started with the simple concept of "recycling" children's books has grown to one that has provided 40,888 books to 36,330 students at the 93 book fair events hosted by Book Drive for Kids since 2017.
    Guest Speaker Michelle Cook of Book Drive for Kids shares BDK mission at Sept 1st Meeting 2022-09-01 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotarians provide fully stocked Backpacks for Pedi-Place patients

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary members partner with Pedi-Place to deliver fully fully school supply stocked backpacks for eight of their 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade patients.
    Some PediPlace patient families are unable to afford the back-to-school supplies for this school year. In July PediPlace reached out to local organizations such as ours to provide donated school supplies for their patients whose families could not afford the $40 to $75 cost of each child's school supply list. Our club members provided enough donations and we shopped for enough school supplies to assure that 8 of their patients have everything they need for this school year.
    Lewisville Morning Rotarians provide fully stocked Backpacks for Pedi-Place patients 2022-09-01 05:00:00Z 0


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    Lewisville Morning Rotary guest speaker, author and mental performance coach Todd Thomas shared some of his insights that helped him inspire athlete's at our August 18th Rotary meeting.
    A mental performance expert and personal achievement author, Todd Thomas shared how athletes often fail to achieve because they are thinking to much. "He has seen many people throughout his life reach for their goals and fall short over and over again – including himself".
    GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD AND INTO YOUR GAME! 2022-08-18 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary offers a Corporate Membership Option

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    Our Corporate Membership option includes 1 designated RI member and up to 2 additional designated club members from that corporate organization. In addition, Corporate Membership includes sponsorship advertising on all club publicity including the club website, newsletters, fliers and brochures.
    What are the benefits for a corporation? First, membership elevates the corporation's image in the community as a partner in service and a business committed to the community.  Next, employees have the chance to develop leadership and professional skills such as project management, training, and public speaking.  Corporate membership gives members access to Rotary's global network of 1.4 million volunteers and the opportunity to network while traveling or doing local service with other Rotarians.  Membership would also emphasize a commitment to serving others as part of the corporate culture. Finally, a corporate membership can reduce the time commitment of any one member by allowing employees to attend meetings or events on each other's behalf.   
    For more information, contact our membership chair Marilyn Pokorny.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary offers a Corporate Membership Option 2022-08-17 05:00:00Z 0
    Lewisville Area Flags Subscription 2022-08-11 05:00:00Z 0

    LMR welcomes Central Elementary students back to school

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    Members of the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club joined several others in a Red Carpet Welcome of Central Elementary students on the first day of school for the 2022-2023 school year.
    Rotary members waiting with community members for the doors to open to this years students.
    LMR welcomes Central Elementary students back to school 2022-08-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Member Vocation talks fill fellow Rotarians with sense of awe

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    Members Deanna Perkins and Richard Malcolm shared their vocations and their lives with us at the August 11 meeting. Photo shows Deanna and Richard signing two books that were donated to the Central Elementary School.
    Richard Malcolm sharing his vocation...helping those in need of assisted living services
    Member Vocation talks fill fellow Rotarians with sense of awe 2022-08-11 05:00:00Z 0

    The 50-50 Fund is more fun than ever

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    Thanks to a 50-50 donation by member Todd Taylor our 50-50 Can is more fun than ever. The odds of being able to draw a winning card have improved. 
    Our 50-50 donation fund is used to help support many of our clubs service projects including library books for the CES Library, The Dictionary Project and others. With your donation, not only does the donating person with the winning ticket have the opportunity to win 50% of the pot (one card in the remaining deck), we have 15 two dollar winning cards in the deck, 2 five dollar winners in the deck and 1 $10 winner in the deck.
    Playing is easy. Just donate $1 for a ticket that if drawn will allow you to draw from the deck. Or, increase your odds by donating $2 for 3 tickets or $4 for six tickets or $5 for 10 tickets. Forgot to bring cash to the meeting with you? No problem, donate online by clicking here. We will process your donation along with a small transaction fee so that you can participate in the fun.
    The 50-50 Fund is more fun than ever 2022-08-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Meet our newest member, Richard Malcolm

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    On Thursday July 21, 2022, District Governor Dan Steele performed the induction ceremony to formally recognize Richard Malcolm as a member of the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club.
    Prior to being inducted last week, Richard had already attended three of our  meetings and volunteered at one of our community service projects. His sponsor is club President Bob Troyer. 
    From left to right, District Governor Dan Steele, Richard Malcolm and Club President Bob Troyer
    Meet our newest member, Richard Malcolm 2022-07-27 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotarians volunteer at Heart of the City in Lewisville

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    Seven of our members joined several other community volunteers to serve 220 plus families at the Heart of the City Food Pantry Saturday, July 16, 2022 from 8:30 AM to 11:00
    This well organized food pantry, operated by members of the Northview Baptist Church is the busiest on Saturdays needing all types of volunteers from a team of parking attendants, social workers working with families in need, volunteers taking orders, teams of packers packing the groceries to "runners" delivering the food to the clients. Well over 3 dozen volunteers are needed on a Saturday. And, that does not even include all preparations of sourcing & ordering the food from the North Texas Food Bank, receiving it and storing it in several freezers until 
    Lewisville Morning Rotarians volunteer at Heart of the City in Lewisville  2022-07-16 05:00:00Z 0

    A tribute to Frank Hebb, 2003-2004 Club President

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    In the words of his son, Scott Coen Hebb; A Renaissance Man, a world traveler, a skilled woodworker, and dedicated husband and family man, Frank E. Hebb (91) passed away peacefully at home in Flower Mound, Texas, on Thursday June 23rd surrounded by his family.
    Frank has been a member of the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club since 1996. As an active member through 2019 and as a Honorary Member since. Those that knew Frank well were not surprised to hear that he did not wish people to make a fuss upon his passing. What follows is the obituary prepared by his his son and some Rotary trivia that members will fondly remember him by.
    A tribute to Frank Hebb, 2003-2004 Club President 2022-07-07 05:00:00Z 0
    Bob Troyer inducted as 2022-2023 President of Lewisville Morning Rotary 2022-07-02 05:00:00Z 0

    LMR Board of Directors approves the 22-23 thru 24-25 Strategic Plan

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    After four months of planning and 4 intensive meetings, the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club strategic planning committee developed and submitted its 3 year strategic plan which was approved by the club BOD at it's June 21st meeting.
    Many thanks go out to Past District Governor Gene Davenport for leading our the strategic planning committee consisting of Ray Bowens, Charlene Dierks, Jeff Lighton, Deanna Perkins, Marilyn Pokorny, John Pokorny, Mark Smith, Todd Taylor and Bob Troyer through the process.
    LMR Board of Directors approves the 22-23 thru 24-25 Strategic Plan 2022-06-21 05:00:00Z 0

    Join us for Pass-the-Gavel June 30th

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    This year-end social will include a very special guest, District Governor Kayla Christianson to do the induction of our new president, Bob Troyer and the Board of Directors.
    Our current president, Traci Petteway is planning a fantastic Pass-the-Gavel event. In honor of incoming president Bob Troyer, who loves BBQ, our main fare will be BBQ and all the fixin's. We look forward to a lively party filled with fellowship and fun as we celebrate the year that was and ring in the year to come with all the plans we have for a successful new year 2022-2023.
    Thank you Traci for leading us this past year       All the best to you Bob as you lead us in 22-23
    Register now for a great evening on June 30, 2022 from 6 PM to ??? at the Lewisville Area Chamber of Commerce,
    551 N. Valley Pkwy in Lewisville
    Cost: Lewisville Morning Rotary members - no charge and guests are $10 each.
    To register click here.
    Join us for Pass-the-Gavel June 30th 2022-06-15 05:00:00Z 0

    Dwayne Lee to speak at our June 16th meeting

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    Jun 16, 2022 7:30 AM
    Dewayne Lee
    "Revisiting D-Day - A Photographic Journey".

    Our speaker on June 16th is historian, photographer, and fellow Rotarian Dwayne Lee.  He will be giving us a presentation on the D-Day invasion during WW II and will give us a photographic journey through Normandy.  Join us 7:30 AM at the Lewisville Area Chamber of Commerce on 551 N. Valley Pkwy in Lewisville. All are invited!

    Dwayne Lee to speak at our June 16th meeting 2022-06-14 05:00:00Z 0

    The 2022 Bike Awards Program is in the Books

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    Reading excellence. This year, Lewisville Morning Rotary has donated one bike for each grade level to be randomly selected from the group of exemplary readers in their grade level. While we are tickled for the youngster in this photo that won the bike, we are thrilled beyond belief that teachers from each grade level were able to recognize their classes superior readers. In all, over 120 Central ES students were recognized as superior readers.
    Our 5th grade winner with members Bob Troyer, John Pokorny, Marilyn Pokorny and Charlene Dierks
    The 2022 Bike Awards Program is in the Books 2022-05-25 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville  Morning Rotary participated in the 2022 Central ES Carnival

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    Members Bob Troyer, Jeff Lighton, Deanna Perkins, Marilyn and John Pokorny entertained the year end Central ES students and parents with a game of bucketball. Winners at bucket ball received their choice of candy and a small toy. Kids received one each for every ball they managed to land in one of the buckets.
    While the kids were taking their best shots at bucketball, our Rotarians had the opportunity to give their parents information about Rotary and our Lewisville Area Flag Project. While an actual count was not made, we estimate that at least 125 families stopped by and watched the kiddos at bucketball and received flyers. A fun time was had by all. Thank you Central ES for allowing us to participate.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary participated in the 2022 Central ES Carnival 2022-05-20 05:00:00Z 0

    Grant Johnson named April Hebron High School Student of the Month 

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    Congratulations Grant Johnson. Described as is a well-rounded young man by teachers and staff, he has been a four year member of our baseball program. He serves as a great mentor and leader for our entire team, especially for our younger student/athletes. 
    Grant was also a regular member of our Fellowship of Christian Athletes huddle group before COVID protocols limited the frequency of these gatherings. He also currently serves on the Principal’s Advisory Council, a student group that teams up with teachers and administrators on ways that Hebron can be the best version of itself. Bottom line, Grant is an outstanding young man that represents himself, his family and his school, in a positive way. Grant Johnson is a DIFFERENCE MAKER on the Hebron High School campus. Congratulations Grant!
    Grant Johnson named April Hebron High School Student of the Month  2022-04-26 05:00:00Z 0

    Carter Patterson named Hebron High School Student of the Month for March

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    Congratulations Carter Patterson! A model student athlete since coming to Hebron as a sophomore, he is not only a great golfer but has been a leader for our program and the values that it represents.
    Carter has been a two time All-District selection, just missing regionals for the second year. He has played nationally in the American Junior Golf Association finishing third in his first event and also competed in the Jackie Burke Cup which is a very elite field event. He led the team this year with a scoring average of 75.3. Carter plans on playing golf in the college for McClennan Junior College.
    Carter Patterson named Hebron High School Student of the Month for March 2022-04-26 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary entry into the ColorPalooza reColoRcycle

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    Thanks to our artistical volunteer partners at Lewisville Painted Rocks, Lewisville Morning Rotary has an entry in Colorpalooza's reCOLORcycle exhibit that celebrates Polio Immunization Worldwide week (Apr 17-23) and the environment. Since 1987 Rotary has supported the worldwide effort to end polio and have succeeded in doing so in all but Afganistan and Pakistan. We will be accepting donations for End Polio at our vendor booth. Look for the booth with 12 American flags flying.
    Our bin is titled “Mother Nature’s Palette.”Thank you to the Ladies at Lewisville Painted Rocks for volunteering to be our artists for the entry.
    RoseMary Perez, Nancy Smith & Cindy Tavarez., members of the Lewisville Painted Rock Club
    Lewisville Morning Rotary entry into the ColorPalooza reColoRcycle 2022-04-20 05:00:00Z 0
    All members invited to join us at the 2022 District Assembly in Graham, TX - April 30th 2022-04-12 05:00:00Z 0

    LMR Partners, BSA Troop 9168 visit the Lexington Aircraft Carrier

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    Participation in Lewisville Morning Rotary's Flag Lease Program earned many scouts their trip to Corpus Christi and a night on the Lexington Aircraft Carrier.
    Through sunshine, rain or snow, members of BSA Troop 9168 do not miss their appointed rounds of delivering and retrieving Lewisville Area Flag subscriber flags on the holidays Lewisville. As a result of our partnership, BSA Troop 9168 shares flag subscription revenues with the troop so that troop members can participate in camp jamborees, camping trips and in this case a special trip to visit the Lexington Aircraft Carrier.
    LMR Partners, BSA Troop 9168 visit the Lexington Aircraft Carrier Jeffrey L. Lighton 2022-03-28 05:00:00Z 0

    Career Day Speakers needed for Central ES

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    Central ES teachers are planning for our career day at school.  We do not have a confirmed date yet but expect it to be sometime in April. 
    This story is call out to our members who may be able to come to the school and talk with students about their career. Or would be willing to submit a video that could be viewed by students.  Please contact member Charlene Dierks and who will pass the info to our counselor that will get in touch with them with more details. 
    Career Day Speakers needed for Central ES Charlene Dierks 2022-03-24 05:00:00Z 0
    One of Rotary's 7 areas of focus is Peace and Conflict Resolution. What can we do in response to Ukraine situation? 2022-03-08 06:00:00Z 0

    February 2022 Student of the Month for Hebron High School Recognized at Feb 17th Meeting

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    Congratulations Tejaswini Ramkumar Babu! February 2022 Student of Month from Hebron High School
    Tejaswini shown here with club president Dr. Traci Petteway.
    Known as Teja among family and friends, this is what Teja’s teacher wrote for her:
    DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) is an organization that encourages the development of business and leadership skills through academic competitions. Hebron High School is fortunate to have Teja as President of Hebron DECA. She has been a member for four years and has an impressive resume of placing in competitions every year.
    February 2022 Student of the Month for Hebron High School Recognized at Feb 17th Meeting 2022-02-25 06:00:00Z 0

    Congratulations Todd Taylor

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    Come congratulate Assistant Chief Todd Taylor who is retiring from the Lewisville Police Department after 29 years of service at his retirement celebration hosted by the City of Lewisville at 2:30 PM on Feb 23 at the Denton County Precinct 3 Community Room.
    Congratulations Todd Taylor 2022-02-16 06:00:00Z 0

    Doing what we can to help students learn

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    Since 2014 our club has given over 7500 Dictionaries to 3rd grade students at 11 LISD Elementary Schools. This week we are distributing dictionaries to 960 of the 2022 third graders.

    Distibuting the dictionaries is actually the most enjoyable part of the project. While passing out the dictionaries, one Rotarian will speak to the students.Introducing themself and  fellow Rotary Members from the LMR, We ask students to write the name on the 1st page because the dictionaries are theirs to keep. After every student has a dictionary, they look up word rotary and let them read definition and we tell the story of how Rotary got its name.
    Mark Smith, Deanna Perkins, Bob Troyer and John Pokorny delivering dictionaries and providing information about the dictionaries and Rotary
    Doing what we can to help students learn 2022-02-09 06:00:00Z 0

    Rotary People of Action providing Thanksgiving meals for five CES families

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club is sharings its blessings this Thanksgiving by providing all the fixin's for a Thanksgiving feast to five families at the Central Elementary School.
    Club President Traci Petteway and member Deanna Perkings shopped this week and provided everything needed for 5 familes whose children attend our adopted school Central Elementar School. The food was delived in laundry baskets to the school the Friday before Thanksgiving break. We partnered with CES staff to identify the families receiving the food. To all the families at Central Elementary School, have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration.
    Rotary People of Action providing Thanksgiving meals for five CES families 2021-11-21 06:00:00Z 0

    Ian Boggs from Hebron HS named November Student of the Month

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    Rachel Flanders, Assistant Principal at Hebron High School introduced our November Student of the Month saying I’m so thankful for the opportunity to celebrate our amazing kiddos! Ian Boggs was nominated by Mr. Sealy the HHS Band Director. Congratulations Ian Boggs.
    Quoting HHS Band Director Sealy "Ian serves as our Trombone Section Leader in the HHS Band and Principal Trombone in the Wind Symphony."
    Ian Boggs from Hebron HS named November Student of the Month 2021-11-18 06:00:00Z 0
    Hebron High School Interact bags 53 Trash Bags full for Nov 13 Keep Lewisville Clean Event 2021-11-16 06:00:00Z 0

    Remembering a great Rotarian, Gordon Roe

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    The artical below was written by his son Roger who is a professional writer. Unfortuneatly, there is no mention of Gordons service in Rotary or CCA which is understandable since Gordon would have joined Rotary after Roger left home.
    Gordon joined the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club in Jan of 2003. Gordon was a regular attendee at our 7 AM meeting and was involved in almost all of our service projects. Gordon was a Paul Harris Fellow and a sustaining member. His major responsibility at meetings was to lead us in song, the happy birthday song whenever someone was celebrating a birthday that week.
    Remembering a great Rotarian, Gordon Roe 2021-11-10 06:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Police Chief Deavers to speak at Oct 21st meeting

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    In a growing city like Lewisville managing a 22nd century police department requires a both a depth of knowledge and an understanding, compassionate and approachable leader.
    Appointed in August of 2018, Chief Deavers has demonstrated all of these qualities. As our guest speaker, he will be sharing the challenges of Police work in today's culture. Police work is the ultimate community service. Our police department recognizes this by its diverse ways of reaching out and meeting our citizens.
    Lewisville Police Chief Deavers to speak at Oct 21st meeting 2021-10-19 05:00:00Z 0

    Summer Read for Bikes Project

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary awards bikes to two Central Elementary School student Reading Stars that participated in the Summer Reading Program
    Students that have mastered their reading skills in elementary school will be successful in middle school, high school and college. It was this thought in mind that led school leaders to establishing a program to encourage students to participate in a summer reading program after this pandemic caused upside down school year. Lewisville Morning Rotary supported the program by providing the bike awards.
    Summer Read for Bikes Project 2021-08-20 05:00:00Z 0

    Deanna Perkins chosen as August Rotarian of the Month

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    Deanna lives "Service Above Self" throughout by volunteering every opportunity she gets.
    Her most recent Rotary project was participating in the Central ES Summer Reading Program bike give away. The program wishes to provide incentives for children to read. Children that completed a certain number of tasks throughout the summer were eligible to have their name pulled from a hat to win a bike.
                     Deanna shown here with the winning girl in the class
    Deanna joined Lewisville Morning Rotary 3 years ago after being sponsored by long time member Bob Troyer. 
    In addition to her Rotary efforts, she also volunteers at many other city functions. She graduated from the Lewisville Citizen's University for class of 2017-2018. The objective of the Citizens University is familiarize citizens with the structure, functions and activities of City of Lewisville government, encourage citizens to become involved in the City’s government, and enhance their ability to communicate effectively with City officials. Deanna also on the board for Lewisville Animal Services as vice chair.
    Deanna loves her two dogs, Petey and Chloe. whom she says that she can't live without.
    Visit our Rotarian of the Month Wall of Fame webpage.
    Deanna Perkins chosen as August Rotarian of the Month 2021-08-19 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Rotarians participate in Central ES Red Carpet Welcome

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    Rotary members from Lewisville Morning and Lewisville Noon Rotary Clubs were among Central ES staff at the annual Red Carpet Welcome for the 1st day of the 2021-2022 school year.
    After the shut-down caused by the 2020 pandemic, it was really rewarding to be among the staff and fellow Rotary members at Central Elementary School as we welcomed back students for the 2021-2022 school year. Fellow Rotary members Bob Troyer, Mark Smith and John Pokorny from the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club and Bobbie Mitchell, Fred Whitfield and TJ Gilmore from the Lewisville Noon Rotary Club were among the Central ES staff that hooted and cheered as students and their families walked the red carpet toward their class rooms.
    Lewisville Rotarians participate in Central ES Red Carpet Welcome 2021-08-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Club President Dr. Traci Petteway selects July 2021 Rotarian of the Month

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    This year, Club President Dr. Traci Petteway will be selecting a Rotarian of the Month in recognition of the club member that most exemplifies the Rotary and our clubs mission through their support, actions and commitment.
    The July 2021, Lewisville Morning Rotarian of the Month is John Pokorny.
    A member of Rotary since 1987. As a result of job changes throughout his career as a Facilities Engineering Manager, John has been a member of 4 different clubs. He has been a member of the Lewisville Morning Rotary club since 2007. Currently, he serves as the clubs Foundation Chair and Webmaster. A past president of our club in 2015-2016, John also is currently serving as the District 5790 Webmaster.
    Club President Dr. Traci Petteway selects July 2021 Rotarian of the Month 2021-07-17 05:00:00Z 0

    Knight-Light Charities was provided a grant by the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club

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    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club is proud to announce a $500 Grant to Knight-Light Charites Inc. Knight-Light Charities seeks to aid those who have a temporary crises and need assistance with their rent, medical services, utility bills or food.
    For club members, serving the needs of the community includes supporting local non-profit organizations that fill a vital role in helping those most at risk. During our July 15th meeting, members awarded Knight-Light Charities a grant in support of their mission to financially assist those in our community that are facing a crises and need assistance with their rent, medical services, utility bills or food. The success of their mission has often prevented homelessness. 
    Knight-Light Charities was provided a grant by the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club 2021-07-16 05:00:00Z 0

    LMR awards grant to Hearts for Homes.

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    One of the most fun projects of a member is to be able to award a grant to another area non-profit serving the needs of the community.
    It was no different when we were able to announce our grant to Hearts for Homes this past week. The mission of Hearts for Homes is to improve living conditions for low-income senior homeowners in Denton County. Our donation will help buy needed supplies to repair homes for 84 senior homeowners.
    LMR awards grant to Hearts for Homes. 2021-07-16 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary awards grant to Veterans Produce

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    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club is proud to announce a grant given to Veterans Produce to continue their mission to end veteran hunger. Veterans Produce feeds homeless veterans by building community greenhouse gardens then teaching them to grow their own food.
    Our members are pleased to be able to share our fundraising blessings with Veterans Produce. Their environmentally friendly way of producing food is an example for all to follow. We encourage community members to visit their facility at the Rich Lubke Organic Gardens where the above photo was taken. You will be impressed. Delicious, nutritious food produced naturally with a zero carbon footprint.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary awards grant to Veterans Produce 2021-07-13 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary awards grant to CCA in support of its food insecurity efforts

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    Christian Community Action (CCA) is well known in our community for its Food Pantry for families that are food insecure. The pantry is reopening soon after the pandemic limited disbursements to preselected foods through a drive up process.
    Club members are proud to have been able to support CCA throughout the pandemic by volunteering at the drive-up events. We hope to continue our monthly volunteer efforts with the Hebron High School Interact and National Honor society members.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary awards grant to CCA in support of its food insecurity efforts 2021-07-13 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club awards grant Creating Young Minds

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    For club members, serving the needs of the community includes supporting local non-profit organizations that fill a vital role in helping those most at risk. Last week members awarded Creating Young Minds a grant in support of their mission is to teach young men about the importance of education, hard work and being humble in all aspects of life.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club awards grant Creating Young Minds 2021-07-06 05:00:00Z 0
    Lewisville Morning Rotary awards grant to the Lewisville Area Salvation Army 2021-07-06 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club awards grant Families to Freedom

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    For club members, serving the needs of the community includes supporting local non-profit organizations that fill a vital role in helping those most at risk. Last week members awarded Families for Freedom a grant in support of their mission is to transport victims of domestic abuse to safety.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club awards grant Families to Freedom 2021-07-06 05:00:00Z 0


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    Our 6/24/21annual Pass the Gavel at the Alforno's Italian Kitchen was a memorable event that included induction of our incoming president and board of directors, recognition of members and fun while walking down 2020 Memory Lane.
    Outgoing President Mark Smith led our 2021 Pass-the-Gavel with an overview of the 2020-2021 Lewisville Morning Rotary year. We had an amazing year in spite of operating under the constraints of the worldwide pandemic. We continued meeting weekly but virtually. Our reputation as the small club that does a lot continued with 46 service projects requiring in excess of the recorded 665 volunteer hours performed by 19 members. In addition, the club and its members donated over $22,000 to 15 local non-profits, The Rotary Foundation and End Polio Now.
    BOARD INDUCTION, MEMBER RECOGNITION & FUN TIMES at 2021 PASS THE GAVEL   Marilyn Pokorny 2021-07-02 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary sponsors Living Legend Ceremony at Lewisville Estates

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    In celebration of Ms. Martha Cowan receiving the Living Legend award, the Lewisville Estates hosted a party at 2 pm on June 24th at their facilities. Our club is one of the sponsors and is providing the flags for the event.
    The award is to be presented by U.S. Army Sgt. Maj. Cielito Pascual-Jackson, from the Women In Military Services For America.
    Who knew that a dame could be a WWII Fighter Pilot
    Ms. Martha Cowen is among the very few women that were pilots that served during World War II. The celebration will include a reading of the Living Legend Proclamation and a century birthday celebration to remember. Our members will be providing a Star Spangled ambiance for the celebration of the life of a centurion World War II veteran aviator. 
    Lewisville Morning Rotary sponsors Living Legend Ceremony at Lewisville Estates 2021-07-02 05:00:00Z 0

    Meet our new club President, Traci Gardner-Petteway 

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    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club inducted a new club president starting the new Rotary year July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
    Traci accepted the baton from Past President Mark Smith and was sworn in Thursday, June 24, 2021 by the Rotary District 5790 District Governor (2021-2022) Roger Paschal. Traci joined Rotary in 2015 and in her acceptance speech she recalled fondly bring her two then small children Kendall and Kennedy to our 7 AM meetings at CCA. Fast-forward, Kendall is now a Baylor University student and Kennedy is a star athlete at Marcus HS. Fortunately, mom is still the mom that joined in 2015 constantly giving back to the community in various ways including representing serving at the National PTA president.
    Congratulations Traci!
    Meet our new club President, Traci Gardner-Petteway 2021-07-02 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary - The Year in Review

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    Club President for Rotary Year July 2020 through June 2021, Mark Smith created a fantastic video celebrating all the club accomplished this past year in spite of the Pandemic.
    Click the image above
    Lewisville Morning Rotary - The Year in Review 2021-06-28 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary members bring Pine Hills Retirement Center residents a Memorial Day Ceremony

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    The Empty Seat reminds us all this Memorial Day of those who have given their lives in the Armed Forces in service of our nation.

     "For the second year in a row, Memorial Day looks a little different than in years past. In many cases, our backyard barbecues and get-togethers are replaced by video chats and other marvels of modern technology." Mark Smith, President Lewisville Morning Rotary
    Lewisville Morning Rotary members bring Pine Hills Retirement Center residents a Memorial Day Ceremony 2021-05-31 05:00:00Z 0
    Lewisville Morning Rotary & Hebron High School Interact Clubs Keep Lewisville Beautiful 2021-04-20 05:00:00Z 0

    Tom Rowe wins 2021 Bracket Challenge in Support End Polio Now

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    Who knew that Past President Tom Rowe
    was the Basketball Guru of Lewisville in the
    2021 Bracket Challenge to End Polio Now!

    We had a little March Madness Fun?  The bracket challenge winner gets 50% of the winnings!  Don't worry,  you don't have to be a basketball guru to play. That's what they said.  Did Tom end up guessing most of the time on these? Or, does he have some hidden expertise? Congratulations TOM!


    Tom Rowe wins 2021 Bracket Challenge in Support End Polio Now 2021-04-06 05:00:00Z 0
    Have you received your Covid Vaccination shot(s) yet? 2021-04-03 05:00:00Z 0

    Congratulations Milen Palous - Hebron HS Speech Contestant

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    Earlier this month, Hebron's Milen Palous won the
    Lewisville Morning Rotary Four Way Test Speech Contest.
    On March 27th she competed against 11 other high school 
    contestants, placing 4th with another great speech.
    Congratulations Milen! The District 5790 Contest Chair Lori Richardson Glovier reported "I am happy to announce the results of our successful Regional (first of two) Four Way Test Speech Contest which was held on March 27th via Zoom!  
    11 students participated and the top 4 winners are:
    Congratulations Milen Palous - Hebron HS Speech Contestant 2021-03-30 05:00:00Z 0

    Dictionary Distribution to 3rd graders

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    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club's annual 3rd grade Dictionary Project is a success.
    Following health guidelines, we delivered over 1000 dictionaries to 11 Lewisville elementary schools.
    Thank you to the following volunteers for coordinating, labeling, and delivering dictionaries for LISD 3rd graders:
    Charlene Dierks, Maithen Fluhrer, Neal Fluhrer, Bob Troyer, Marilyn Pokorny, John Pokorny, Deanna Perkins, Tom Rowe, Mark Smith, and Bob Troyer.
    To see the video, view this newsletter online by clicking at the top of the email page  "click here to view online"
    Dictionary Distribution to 3rd graders 2021-01-19 06:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary members get ready to distribute dictionaries to 3rd Graders

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary Members continue 
    the 3rd Grade Dictionary Project in 2020-2021
    in spite of Covid 19 pandemic limitations.
    Members labeled over 1000 dictionaries today which will go to 3rd graders at 11 LISD schools. We were able to mask-up and socially distance in a large room to get the job done! Next step is to deliver to the schools! #lewisvillemorningrotary #PeopleOfAction #ServiceAboveSelf
    Thank you to Deanna Perkins for her leadership in organizing the labeling event, Charlene Dierks for working with the schools and coordinating dictionaries needed at the schools. Thank you also to the labelers Maithen and Neal Fluhrer, Bob Troyer, Charlene Dierks, Mark Smith and Deanna Perkins. Thanks also to Marilyn Pokorny for preparing over 1000 labels. 
    Lewisville Morning Rotary members get ready to distribute dictionaries to 3rd Graders 2021-01-19 06:00:00Z 0

    Volunteer opportunities at Reading Partners of North Texas or at Community in Schools of North Texas as a mentor

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary members
    encouraged to participate with
    Reading Partners of North Texas
    Or, at Community in Schools of North Texas
    At our January 14th weekly virtual Rotary meeting, Club President, Mark Smith presented a fantastic opportunity, particularly those of us home bound by the pandemic to to volunteer with Reading Partners of North Texas. Our club members have a passion for supporting learning and literacy. We support via our dictionary project, our annual perfect attendance awards at Central Elementary School and by participating in various CES reading programs throughout the year. Unfortunately, the pandemic has limited what we can do not only to protect the students but ourselves as well. The Reading Partners of North Texas will allow our members to volunteer virtually. Click here to learn more and sign up. 
    Club members will also consider a similar "mentor" program offered by Community in Schools North Texas. For more information on "mentors", click here. As a result of pandemic safety procedures, the mentor program is now virtual. The club is inviting the volunteer manager of volunteers to visit a future meeting to discuss the program.
    Volunteer opportunities at Reading Partners of North Texas or at Community in Schools of North Texas as a mentor John Pokorny 2021-01-14 06:00:00Z 0
    The Covid 19 version the Lewisville Holiday Stroll much different for club members this year 2020-12-06 06:00:00Z 0

    LMR Members volunteered last Saturday for the Salvation Army's Annual Red Kettle

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     It's Tradition! Every Saturday after Thanksgiving several members
    volunteer for the Salvation Army's annual Red Kettle Duty Fundraiser
    at Sam's Club in Lewisville. This year was different. Thank you to members Deanna Perkins, Traci Petteway, Jeff Lighton, Ray Bowens, Tom Rowe, Bob Troyer and Mark Smith for volunteering to cheer on the kettle donors. Their efforts raised over $600 for the Salvation Army.
    LMR Members volunteered last Saturday for the Salvation Army's Annual Red Kettle 2020-12-01 06:00:00Z 0
    Dedication Ceremony for trees planted by Lewisville Morning Rotary 2020-11-21 06:00:00Z 0 Environmental Project
    Remembering our Veterans Program at Pinewood Hills Retirement Community was well received Mary Jones 2020-11-12 06:00:00Z 0

    Library Books donated to Central Elementary School

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    A new library book is donated in the
    name of our weekly speaker to the 
    Central Elementary School Library.
    This photo shows member John Pokorny delivering several donated books to the Central ES library staff Wednesday, November 4th. Each book was signed by one of the guest speakers our club has hosted during recent Rotary meetings. Lewisville Morning Rotary has had a long tradition and passion for improving literacy. Whether that means volunteering to read at Read Across Central, providing bikes for students with perfect attendance, refurbishing 10 schools in the tribal lands of India, providing dictionaries to 11 Title I schools or simple donating dictionaries to our adopted school, Central Elementary School, our members are passionate about helping students succeed in school.
    Library Books donated to Central Elementary School 2020-11-04 06:00:00Z 0 Literacy

    Club Members volunteer at City of Lewisville Hazardous Household Waste Covid 19 Style

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    Pictured here is one of the Lewisville Morning Rotary
    Hero's of the environment, Tom Rowe volunteering at the
    Lewisville Convenience Center to safely collect
    and dispose of Hazardous Household Waste.
    Our other hero is Mary Jones. Mary and Tom alternate in volunteering with city team. Lewisville Morning Rotary Club members have been volunteering with the City of Lewisville Hazardous Household Waste collection team for over 20 years. Many changes in process have occurred over the years as we have adapted to the needs of the community. The changes caused by Covid 19 are no different.
    Club Members volunteer at City of Lewisville Hazardous Household Waste Covid 19 Style 2020-11-04 06:00:00Z 0 Environment,hazarous household waste,waste management

    Lewisville Morning Rotary collecting Sox and Gloves for homeless vets

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club is partnering
    with the Denton County Veterans Coalition to
    seek donations of sox and gloves for homeless 
    veterans in Denton County area.
    Our veterans have served and protected us. Some have fallen on hard times and are homelessness. Please help us provide sox and gloves to these vets. Please drop off your donation of new sox and or gloves at one of the Jim Verfurth family of restaurants; Verf's Grill and Tavern, Shoal Creek Tavern and Lambeau's America Kitchen and Taps. You can also drop off new sox and gloves at Kwik Kar Vista Ridge.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary collecting Sox and Gloves for homeless vets Mary Jones 2020-10-29 05:00:00Z 0
    Member Tom Rowe introduces our Nov 6th Wine and Dine Rotary FUNdraiser 2020-10-25 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary fields a team of 5 to Pedal for Polio

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    Members of Lewisville Morning Rotary Club
    Volunteered on World Polio Day (Oct 24th) to
    Pedal for Polio at the Shops of Highland Village
    raising funds for End Polio Now.
    Rotary International has had a 35 year effort to eradicate polio world wide. As a result of the efforts of clubs like ours, Rotary International, the CDC, WHO and the Gates Foundation, polio has been eradicated in all but two countries; Afghanistan and Pakistan. Our team joined several other teams throughout our district in North Central Texas to raise funds to eradicate polio in those final two countries. Thank you to team members Maithen Fluhrer, Mark Smith, Samba Sey, Marilyn Pokorny and John Pokorny. Each has set up donation sites for members of the community to donate on their behalf. To donate click below.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary fields a team of 5 to Pedal for Polio 2020-10-25 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Members Volunteer at CCA

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club volunteers
    serve at CCA October 24th to distribute over
    60 Shopping Carts filled with food and family items
    to needy families in the Lewisville area.
    Our people-of-action at this event were Deanna Perkins, Taylor Bancroft, James Feigel and Bob Troyer. Thank you for your service. Our next opportunity to volunteer at CCA is November 7th. Because of pandemic safety practices, CCA only allows 4 volunteers at each event. Click here to sign up.
    Lewisville Morning Members Volunteer at CCA 2020-10-25 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary announces Wine and Dine Lewisville Virtual Fundraiser

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    A virtual fundraiser that puts the
    fun in virtual FUNdraising - visit
    Get ready for the holidays while helping Lewisville Morning Rotary with our community service projects & support local community organizations like the Salvation Army, Christian Community Action (CCA), End Polio, LISD Dictionary Program, Youth Programs, and more! We’re having a virtual wine and food pairing event on Friday, November 6th at 6:00 PM via Zoom. Click here to register.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary announces Wine and Dine Lewisville Virtual Fundraiser 2020-10-24 05:00:00Z 0
    Meteorologist Jesse Hawila a hit at Oct 22nd Meeting 2020-10-23 05:00:00Z 0
    City of Lewisville declares Oct 24th End Polio Day in Lewisville 2020-10-23 05:00:00Z 0 End Polio Now
    Members invited to participate in Read Around Central - Virtually John Pokorny 2020-10-19 05:00:00Z 0
    Heborn High Schools Keaton Morrison named Lewisville Morning Rotary Student of the Month 2020-10-15 05:00:00Z 0

    Support LMR Peddling for Polio Riders

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    Five LMR Members are Riding in the
    2020 Riding of Polio Fundraiser
    October 24th at the Shops of Highland Village 
    Please support members Maithen Fluhrer, Mark Smith, Samba Sey, Marilyn Pokorny and John Pokorny who are riding October 24th by clicking below.
    Maithen is riding at 7 AM - support her with your donation at
    Mark Smith is riding at 10 AM, he suggests donations to any member
    Samba Sey is Riding at noon - Support him at
    John and Marilyn Pokorny are riding at 3:00 pm - support them with a donation at
    We appreciate your generosity. Speaking of generosity, you can also donate your time. Contact Grady Ray at to volunteer.
    Support LMR Peddling for Polio Riders 2020-10-13 05:00:00Z 0
    Rotary District 5790 launches Business and Job Connection 2020-09-16 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary to host outdoor meeting Oct. 1st

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    The October 1, 2020 meeting will be in the
    Wayne Ferguson Main St Courtyard at 8 AM
    We will be socially distanced and safely
    masked for this outdoor event.
    Our speaker is our friend Heather Cicerello of the Main and Mill Association sharing the exciting things that organization is planning in Old Town Lewisville.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary to host outdoor meeting Oct. 1st 2020-09-15 05:00:00Z 0

    A Community Project, Fill-a-Backpack for Salvation Army Clients

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    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club
    invites the community to join us in its
    Fill-A-Backpack for Salvation Army Clients
    Thanks to the manager of Excite Gym and fellow Rotary member Julie Hutchens of the Highland Village RC, we have over 50 backpacks to fill with personal items to give to Salvation Army clients in need of such items as;  fall/winter weather gear:  Caps, Gloves, Scarves, Finger and Toe Nail Clippers, Dental hygiene items, Hair brushes and combs. Handy wipes/Hand sanitizer, Tissue, Socks, Small Blanket, Crackers, Candy Bars, Cookies, Nuts, Deodorant, Band-Aids. All donated items are new items.
    A Community Project, Fill-a-Backpack for Salvation Army Clients Marilyn Pokorny 2020-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary Members reminisce Sept 11, 2001

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    September 11, 2001 changed our lives.
    As BSA Troop 9168 members dispatch our flags,
    members recall the tragic events of that day.
    It is with a certain amount of irony that this publication is recognizing the American worker and also honoring those that lost their lives during the horrific events that occurred September 11, 2001. Because on that date, 2977 people left their homes to board one of the 4 planes used during the attack or headed for work in the Pentagon or the World Trade Center or perhaps were first responders that never to returned home. That event changed lives all over the world. Some of our members have provided their recollection of that day's tragedy in this newsletter. We all have our stories of that day. What is yours? These are the stories that bind us together in spite of our differences and make our country stronger and proud to be an American displaying our flag. We invite you our reader to provide your story. Should you wish to share your story, click the blue box below.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary Members reminisce Sept 11, 2001 2020-09-03 05:00:00Z 1 9-11,Patriot Day

    Thank Your to our Lewisville Police Department

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    The Lewisville Morning Rotary says
    Thank You to our Lewisville Police Department 
    First Resonders with Lunch
    We are so fortunate to have a wonderful team of men and women serving the City of Lewisville...thank you for all that you do.
    Thank Your to our Lewisville Police Department 2020-09-02 05:00:00Z 0

    A Message from Club President Mark Smith

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary members
    review and discuss 3 year Strategic Plan
    updates at the Aug 27th Club Assembly
    We had a fun and engaging meeting on Thursday evening.  We were able to refresh ourselves on our club mission statement, our club core values, and club attributes.  We also looked at insights from our club survey and discussed our upcoming service projects and ideas.   Click here for the key slides we looked at for those that couldn't attend.
    A Message from Club President Mark Smith Mark Smith 2020-08-30 05:00:00Z 0

    Have you completed your 2020 member survey?

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary to update its
    Strategic Plan for this year given the impact
    of Covid 19. We need member input.
    In an effort to make the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club the best it can be for our members and the community, you received a link in an email with a brief survey on your satisfaction with the club. Your responses and feedback will be crucial for planning activities this year. 
    Have you completed your 2020 member survey? Mark Smith 2020-08-19 05:00:00Z 0

    Club gearing up for Sept 2nd First Responder Appreciation Meal

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    Show our appreciation to
    first responders on Sept. 2nd at the
    Lewisville Police Department.
    All of our members will be present at the Lewisville Police Department helping to distribute a great meal starting at 11: AM. If you have not already done so, please complete the form below to volunteer to bring goodies, drinks etc and provide appreciate notes. Event details and sign-ups click here.
    Club gearing up for Sept 2nd First Responder Appreciation Meal Cheryl Ann Brennan 2020-08-19 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary collecting items for Lovpacs

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    Lovepacs is doing a Labor Day
    Weekend Food Drop for families. 
     If you are interested in doing this, Club President will pick your donation bags up from you to deliver them as a club. Mark will help shop for you at the grocery store in case you don’t want to venture out.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary collecting items for Lovpacs Mark Smith 2020-08-19 05:00:00Z 0

    Club gearing up for Sept 2nd First Responders Appreciation Meal

    Show our appreciation to
    first responders on Sept. 2nd at the
    Lewisville Police Department.
    All of our members will be present at the Lewisville Police Department helping to distribute a great meal starting at 11: AM. If you have not already done so, please complete the form below to volunteer to bring goodies, drinks etc and provide appreciate notes.
    Club gearing up for Sept 2nd First Responders Appreciation Meal 2020-08-19 05:00:00Z 0

    LMR receives Youth Service Award

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    The International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarian's 
    Recognized the Lewisville Morning Rotary with the
     Youth Service Award for Service Above Self
    Club is recognized for service exemplary of Rotary International's commitment to youth in the world through cooperation between Rotary International and Scouting. Our club has worked closely with BSA Troop 9168 for several years who have partnered with us in implementing our Lewisville Area Flags project.
    LMR receives Youth Service Award 2020-07-11 05:00:00Z 0
    Annual Bike Giveaway 2020-06-17 05:00:00Z 0
    Our Virtual June 4th Weekly Meeting Video 2020-06-04 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary Bike Winner Distribution Update

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    Central Elementary School Staff 
    Have arranged our annual bike gifting program
    with the winning students.
    Socially distancing Rotarians and school staff will award our winning students their bikes at 6 pm on Wednesday June 10, 2020. All members and their family are encouraged to participate in this project. Congratulations to all winning student for their hard work and dedication.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary Bike Winner Distribution Update Samba Sey 2020-05-27 05:00:00Z 0
    Join your District 5790 Rotary Buds at the May 28th Virtual District Assembly Session I 2020-05-27 05:00:00Z 0 Virtual meeting
    Lewisville Morning Rotary awards bikes to Central ES students Charlene Dierks 2020-05-21 05:00:00Z 0 Covid 19,Literacy

    Club videos you may want to watch

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    You missed last weeks meeting? Catch up by watching video of meeting click here.
    We love the teachers at Central ES and the work they are doing virtually with students. Click here.
    Club videos you may want to watch 2020-05-19 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary helps community organizations during Covid 19

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    The funds that the club has raised this past year has gone to causes
    in support of Covid 19 disaster relief including the Salvation Army, 
    CCA Pantry, Knight-Light Charities, Love Pacs, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
    and the District 5790 Rotary Rises Reverse Global Grant
    The photo above shows a photo of President Elect Mark Smith presenting a check to Salvation Army Director Stephan Thomas to make the lives of the Lewisville Area homeless a little bit better. We also provided funds for other community organizations including:
    Lewisville Morning Rotary helps community organizations during Covid 19 Mark Smith 2020-05-19 05:00:00Z 0 Covid 19,blood drive,service above self

    A guest from Russia will be joining us at Thursday's meeting

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    Members are always encouraged to invite guest to our meetings.
    Even our virtual meetings. This week, I have invited
    Valentina Bogdanova of the Rotary Club Sochi Center
    She is visiting us virtually from Russia as the President of the brand new Rotary Club of Sochi. Our club has agreed to be one of the sponsors for this club. After Mary Jones tells us about her vocation and love of Rotary, we are hopeful of hearing about Valentina and the new club she will be leading. It will be a busy meeting, as Tom also will be announcing the 12 Central ES Bike Winners.
    A guest from Russia will be joining us at Thursday's meeting 2020-05-19 05:00:00Z 0
    Our May 14, 2020 Weekly Rotary Meeting John Pokorny 2020-05-14 05:00:00Z 0 Covid 19,Why Lewisville Morning Rotary
    Covid 19 does not stop Lewisville Morning Rotary Community Service John Pokorny 2020-05-13 05:00:00Z 0 Covid 19,service above self
    Lewisville Morning Rotary members honor Central ES Teachers during National Teachers Week 2020-05-08 05:00:00Z 0 Covid 19,National Teachers Week
    Another great Zoom meeting - April 30, 2020 Tom Rowe 2020-04-30 05:00:00Z 0 Covid 19

    Volunteer Surge - Covid 19 volunteers needed

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    Volunteers are needed to free up our healthcare
    workers so they can focus on serving critically
    ill Covid 19 victims.
    Rotary International is partnering with the Global Impact Group to train and source community volunteers to perform healthcare tasks how they can do to help fight the virus, either from their homes or by assisting healthcare workers (subject to governmental requirements).. The goal is one million volunteers. Click here for more information. Please share this information with friends and neighbors.
    Volunteer Surge - Covid 19 volunteers needed 2020-04-29 05:00:00Z 0 Covid 19
    Lewisville Area Rotary Blood Drive a success 2020-04-28 05:00:00Z 0 Covid 19
    Great Presentation by Salvation Army's Stephan Thomas at our April 16th Meeting John Pokorny 2020-04-17 05:00:00Z 0 Covid 19,rotary international
    Lewisville Morning Rotary hosts April 9th Weekly Meeting via Zoom John Pokorny 2020-04-09 05:00:00Z 0 Covid 19,Social Distancing,Weekly Meeting
    Lewisville Morning Rotary hosts 2nd Virtual Weekly meeting 2020-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

    Help needed for Salvation Army needy due to Covid 19

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    In this time of Covid 19 Stay at Home Requirements
    The Salvation Army needs our help with supplies to help
    those badly impacted by the Covid 19 crises.
    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club is helping Salvation Army by providing, Bar soap, Deodorant, Toothbrushes, Diapers sizes 4,5,6, Canned meats and other pasta canned meals like raviolis to assist families in a crises situation. Because stores are restricting what can be purchased due to shortages, help is needed to donate these items and bring them to the Salvation Army at 206 Main St in Lewisville. Everyone is being extremely careful during the delivery process to keep ourselves safe through social distancing. Please leave the supplies at the back door as shown in photo and SA volunteers will unpack and shelf the items in preparation for the next family in need.
    Help needed for Salvation Army needy due to Covid 19 2020-04-01 05:00:00Z 0 Community Service,Salvation Army,service above self
    7 AM March 19th Meeting Cancelled 2020-03-19 05:00:00Z 0

    115th Anniversary Party brings together Lewisville Rotary and Toastmaster Clubs

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    Over 50 in attendance for the
    LMR to hosted 115th Rotary Anniversary Showcase
    February 27, 2020 at the Hedrick House in Lewisville
    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club invited area residents and Rotary clubs as well as area Toastmaster Clubs to join us in an Anniversary Celebration of the past 115 years that Rotary has been doing good in the world and promoting integrity, diversity, service, leadership, and friendship. Lewisville Morning and Noon Rotary clubs to "Showcased" our club projects, club fund raisers and events while community members join us for fellowship, snacks, anniversary cake and refreshments.
    Thank you to committee members Mainthen Fluhrer, Jeff Lighton, Deanna Perkins, Samba Sey, Marilyn Pokorny and John Pokorny that worked so hard to make this a successful event.
    115th Anniversary Party brings together Lewisville Rotary and Toastmaster Clubs John Pokorny 2020-02-27 06:00:00Z 0 Rotary Showcase,rotary international
    Hebron High School's Rotary Student of the Month honored at Feb 20th Meeting Kelly Reed 2020-02-20 06:00:00Z 0 Hebron High School,Student of the Month
    LMR members wrap up 2020 Dictionary Project Charlene Dierks 2020-02-18 06:00:00Z 0 Lewisville ISD,Litereacy,dictionary project,serving youth

    Rotary Cares

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    Rotary Care News
    Pray for Frank Hebb who is back in the home after Surgery
    Keep the following fellow Rotarians in your thoughts and prayers: Dr. Kelly Reed and his family who are grieving the loss of the their middle son. Also remember Dr. Jeff Seibert and Marilyn Pokorny who continue to nurse their health issues.
    Rotary Cares Marilyn Pokorny 2020-02-16 06:00:00Z 0 Rotary Cares,family

    LMR Members serve 147 Lewisville Area Families

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    Members of the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club
    Partner with city employees to
    collect Household Hazardous Waste February 8, 2020
    Second Saturday Household Hazardous Waste collection. Lewisville Morning Rotary partners with the City of Lewisville to recycle waste that should not go in the landfill or regular recycling. We gather paints, petroleum products, pool chemicals, batteries,TVs, computers, and other items. We served 147 residents.
    LMR Members serve 147 Lewisville Area Families John Pokorny 2020-02-09 06:00:00Z 0 Envirionment,Lewisville,service above self,volunteers

    Say hello to our newest member Michael Cheney

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    Welcome Michael!
    New member Michael Cheney
    was inducted at our Jan 30th meeting
    Michael is a Financial Adviser with Modern Woodmen of America. Currently living in Plano, he is also a member of the Plano Chamber, Frisco Chamber and the Christ United Church. His classification is Finance and his sponsor is Rotarian Maithen Fluhrer.
    Right to Left is Michael Cheney, Maithen Fluhrer (sponsor), John Pokorny (Membership Chair) and Tom Rowe (President)
    Say hello to our newest member Michael Cheney John Pokorny 2020-01-30 06:00:00Z 0 Lewisville Morning Rotary
    "Those Boys of 1905" a video recovered from Rotary One archives 2020-01-29 06:00:00Z 0 historical video,rotary international

    Jan 23rd Club Mixer to Police Dept an Education

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    Celebrating Rotary Vocation Awareness Month
    by visiting Lewisville Police Department
    and learning about our wonderful safety services.
    Member Todd Taylor (Assistant Chief) led us through an informative evening social sharing his pride in the Lewisville Police Dept. 
    Todd gave us a great presentation starting with the police dept mission and values.
    Service, Integrity and Professionalism
    Jan 23rd Club Mixer to Police Dept an Education 2020-01-26 06:00:00Z 0 Integrety,Lewisville Morning Rotary,Lewisville Police Department,Professionalism,Vocation Awareness,service above self

    Thank you to all our Volunteers at January's Household Hazardous Waste Collection

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    On a rare snowy day in Texas
    Our volunteers helped 127 Lewisville
    Families properly dispose of Hazardous Household Waste
    Dressed like Eskimos where Bill Shaw and daughter Maddie, Todd Taylor and daughter Alex, Mark Shaw, Samba Sey, Jeff Lighton, Mary Jones and the Gilmore bothers Tommy and Will. The volunteers emptied family vehicles of HHW, segregated the waste and worked with city staff package the waste by type so that it can be taken to recycle and disposal companies. 
    Thank you to all our Volunteers at January's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Todd Taylor 2020-01-14 06:00:00Z 0 Environment
    Marin Luther King Day Flag Launch Jeffrey L. Lighton 2020-01-07 06:00:00Z 0 Lewisville Morning Rotary,Newsletter

    January 2020 Household Hazardous Waste

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    Household Hazardous Waste
    Saturday, Jan. 11th
    Lewisville Convenience Center, 330 Jones St.
    Members and their family and friends that wish to volunteer this Saturday should sign-up here. Or, contact Todd Taylor. This is our signature community service project in which we assist residents who bring their household hazardous waste to the Lewisville Convenience Center by emptying their vehicles of the waste and assisting city employees in properly segregating the waste so that it can be safely shipped to organizations that will recycle or safely dispose of waste.
    January 2020 Household Hazardous Waste Todd Taylor 2020-01-07 06:00:00Z 0 Household Hazardous Waste

    Rotary and Toastmasters now working together

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    Rotary and Toastmasters working together
    creating opportunities for professional
    growth of both Rotary and Toastmaster members
    Please read the announcement letter from RI President Mark Maloney. This is a wonderful opportunity for our members and that of the members of Lewisville's 3 Toastmaster Clubs; Westside Baptist Church Toastmasters, Flower Mound Toastmasters and Parkway Toastmasters. While we are very early into our relationship, our members are encouraged to learn about Toastmasters, invite Toastmaster members to our meetings and seek synergies where our clubs working together can make an impact for members and the community.
    Rotary and Toastmasters now working together 2020-01-06 06:00:00Z 0

    LMR Community Service Summary for July through Dec. 2019

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary Members
    logged over 416 Volunteer hours
    on 25 projects during last half of 2019
    We serve the community in many different ways. Known for our contributions to the environment via the monthly Household Hazardous Waste effort we have many other initiatives that serve the community and raise funds in support of our project initiatives. When we include the hours of our partners for the CCA Panty Support and the Flag Program, our club managed 1202 volunteer hours, raised $14,800 and contributed an equivalent value of $13,500 in donated services and in-kind materials. 
    LMR Community Service Summary for July through Dec. 2019 2020-01-01 06:00:00Z 0
    Alex Taylor recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow 2019-12-20 06:00:00Z 1 Paul Harris Fellow,Rotary Volunteer
    We served 155 Residents at Dec. HHW Todd Taylor 2019-12-17 06:00:00Z 0 City of Lewisville,Household Hazardous Waste

    Wonderful time at 2019 Christmas Party

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    We all had a great time at
    The Lounge in Old Town Lewisville
    Celebrating the joy of Christmas
    Several of our members spouses and friends joined us for our annual Christmas Party last Thursday. Members brought gifts to be given to children at CCA and White Elephant Gifts that we shared with each other in a fun Lefty-Righty game where Jeff Lighton read a story and every time he said right we pushed the gift in front of us to the right. Every time he said left we moved the gift left until the story ended. The gift in front of us when Jeff was done reading was the gift we opened. Great fun.
    Wonderful time at 2019 Christmas Party 2019-12-17 06:00:00Z 0 family,fun

    LMR prepped 1080 Dictionaries for distribution in January

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    LMR members and family prepared
    1080 Dictionaries Dec 14th to
    distribute to 3rd graders at 11 LISD schools
    As soon as we have a schedule from the schools, we will be posting the volunteer sign-ups for delivering the dictionaries to the schools. Tentatively, we are planning Jan 9th through Jan 27st for delivery depending on the schools activity schedule.
    LMR prepped 1080 Dictionaries for distribution in January 2019-12-17 06:00:00Z 0 Education,Literacy

    Breakfast with Santa event a huge success

    Posted by John Pokorny on Dec 11, 2019
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    Lewisville Morning Rotary hosted its
    Annual Breakfast with Santa Event Dec 7th for the Lewisville
    Old Town Holiday Stroll in Wayne Ferguson Plaza
    Most of the LMR members, the Interact Clubs at both Hebron HS and The Colony HS as well as the Salvation Army, North Texas Honda dealerships and friends volunteered to cook and serve over 500 pancake and sausage breakfasts to community members participating in the Old Town Holiday Stroll.
    Breakfast with Santa event a huge success John Pokorny 2019-12-11 06:00:00Z 0 Breakfast with Santa,Holiday Stroll,Lewisville Morning Rotary

    HHS Interact Club filled Back Packs with supplies for homeless

    Posted by Marilyn Pokorny on Dec 04, 2019
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    HHS Interact Members filled backpacks
    with supplies needed by the homeless
    in the Lewisville Area.
    On Dec 4th Kelly Reed, John Pokorny and Marilyn Pokorny picked up 38 back packs filled with supplies needed by the homeless. We delivered them to the Salvation Army so they can deploy the back packs to those in need.
    HHS Interact Club filled Back Packs with supplies for homeless Marilyn Pokorny 2019-12-04 06:00:00Z 0
    HHS Student of the Month Recognized at Nov 21st Meeting Kelly Reed 2019-12-04 06:00:00Z 0

    LMR Members rang the bell for the Salvation Army

    Posted by Frank Hebb on Dec 02, 2019
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    Club Members, Interact Members and Friends
    Volunteered Nov 30th at Sams Club helping
    Salvation Army with annual Christmas Red Kettle drive
    Photo of Cheryl Brennon, Roxanne Troyer and Deanna Perkins.
    Several in our club, the TCHS Interact Club, the HHS Interact Club and even members of the Lewisville Yellow Jackets professional basketball team joined in to log almost 60 volunteer hours helping Salvation Army in their Red Kettle annual fund raiser.
    LMR Members rang the bell for the Salvation Army Frank Hebb 2019-12-02 06:00:00Z 0

    Mary, why are you a Rotarian

    Posted by Mary Jones on Nov 08, 2019
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    I love being a Rotarian.  
    Who wouldn't?? 
    I could participate in programs that I didn't hold a degree in, I could work side by side with really interesting and cool people, I could meet people I probably wouldn't have the ability to meet and suddenly I realized I had an immediate pipeline of new friends and became part of a "family"
    Mary, why are you a Rotarian Mary Jones 2019-11-08 06:00:00Z 0

    Ray, why are you a Rotarian?

    Posted by Ray Bowens on Nov 08, 2019
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    "Becoming a Rotarian
    was a natural part
    of my DNA"
     I became a Rotary because it makes significant positive impact at local, country and the world all in one tremendous organization.
    Ray, why are you a Rotarian? Ray Bowens 2019-11-08 06:00:00Z 0
    Lewisville Morning and Noon Rotary Clubs Celebrate End Polio Proclamation 2019-10-23 05:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Volunteers at the Oct12th HHW

    Posted by Todd Taylor on Oct 13, 2019
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    Twelve Rotary Volunteers work with City Staff members
    to assist Lewisville residents to
    safely dispose of Household Hazardous Waste
    On this fairly cool (by Texas standards) fall day members of our Rotary club served at the monthly Household Hazardous Waste Saturday. The term "making work fun" comes to life with this crew of members Todd Taylor (Chair), Mark Smith, Maithen Fluhrer,
    George Gober, Deanna Perkins, Jeff Lighton, Sam Taylor, Terry Kasen, Bob Troyer, Roxanne Troyer and John Pokorny worked together to help residents from several Lewisville homes properly dispose of their Hazardous Household Waste.
    Rotary Volunteers at the Oct12th HHW Todd Taylor 2019-10-13 05:00:00Z 0 Community Service,Environment
    The Community is invited to Read Across Central Oct 25th 2019-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary does Western Days

    Posted by Tom Rowe on Oct 02, 2019
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    Lewisville Morning Rotary
    made it's presence known at
    the City of Lewisville's Western Days
    On Saturday, we encouraged the community to send their Happy Thoughts and Thank Yous to American troops stationed overseas, by inviting them to write their message on our banner.  As you might imagine, there was a lot of participation! 
    Lewisville Morning Rotary does Western Days Tom Rowe 2019-10-02 05:00:00Z 0

    Help End Polio Now with your Donation in support of Lewisville Morning Riders

    Posted on Oct 01, 2019
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    You can still donate for our End Polio Bike Riders
    Maithen Fluhrer, Neal Fluhrer, Gene Davenport, Marilyn Pokorny and John Pokorny
    who are seeking your support through your
    Donation to End Polio Now!
    Members can still make an End Polio donation for last Sunday's ride which was completed by all of our riders. Donating to the District 5790 End Polio Bike Ride is easy, just click here. Your donations will be credited to your Rotary Foundation Paul Harris Fellow account if you are a Rotary Member.
    Help End Polio Now with your Donation in support of Lewisville Morning Riders 2019-10-01 05:00:00Z 0 Bike Ride to End Polio,End Polio,Fitness
    Three Lewisville Morning Rotary members to participate in the District 5790 End Polio Bike Ride John Pokorny 2019-09-21 05:00:00Z 0
    LMR partners with the Rotary Club of San Padro Curridabat to Equip Mobile Dental Clinic 2019-09-18 05:00:00Z 0 International service project

    Rotary volunteers needed for our Western Days Events

    Posted by Tom Rowe on Sep 18, 2019
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    Rotary Volunteer Opportunities
    abound at our
    Western Days events
    This year we will be hosting the Community Non-Profit Showcase at Western Days and providing parking management services for the Christian Community Action Campus throughout the two day event. Volunteers will be needed work closely with the non profits we are hosting, man the Rotary booth promoting our flags, End Polio etc. to create Community awareness of Rotary. Choose your volunteer opportunity now by clicking here. This is a family event. So bring them along to join in on the fun.
    Rotary volunteers needed for our Western Days Events Tom Rowe 2019-09-18 05:00:00Z 0

    Rotary Volunteers at the Sept. 14th HHW

    Posted by Todd Taylor on Sep 18, 2019
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    Eight Rotary Volunteers work with City Staff members
    to assist Lewisville residents to
    safely dispose of Household Hazardous Waste
    On an early fall 90 degree day members of our Rotary club served at the monthly Household Hazardous Waste Saturday. The term "making work fun" comes to life with this crew of members Todd Taylor (Chair), Mark Smith, Tom Rowe, George Gober and the Gilmore brothers, sons of TJ Gilmore from the Lewisville Noon Rotary Club worked together to help residents from 177 homes properly dispose of their Hazardous Household Waste.
    Rotary Volunteers at the Sept. 14th HHW Todd Taylor 2019-09-18 05:00:00Z 0 Community Service,Environment

    Lewisville Morning Rotary to host a Non Profit Showcase at the Western Days Festival

    Posted by Tom Rowe on Sep 11, 2019
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    Lewisville Morning Rotary to host
    Denton County County Non-Profits at
    Lewisville Western Days on September 28th
    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club is proud to sponsor a showcase of community non-profit organizations operating within Denton county that are offering services to help improve lives in our community.  Space is limited and spots will be provided on a first come, first serve basis.
    If you represent a non-profit and wish to showcase your organization, click here to register and reserve your space.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary to host a Non Profit Showcase at the Western Days Festival Tom Rowe 2019-09-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Fun time had by LMR members at End of Summer Pool Party

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    End of Summer Pool Party
    hosted by
    Mark and Nancy Smith
    Thank you Mark & Nancy. You two host a fantastic party. Even though the only way any of got wet at your pool party is when Sadie retrieved the ball from the pool and shook out her coat, we all had a blast. The games were fun, the food was fantastic and of course the company was outstanding. Only in Texas can it be to hot to go swimming (except for Ryker and Sadie). That did not stop us from enjoying a great time with our Rotary Buds.
    Fun time had by LMR members at End of Summer Pool Party John Pokorny 2019-09-08 05:00:00Z 0 Family Fun

    Meet our newest September Members

    Posted on Sep 05, 2019
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    Cheryl Brennan and Deanna Perkins
    our newest Rotary Members
    From left to right in the thumbnail photo above are Club President Tom Rowe, new member Cheryl Brennan, sponsor Bob Troyer, new member Deanna Perkins and Club Secretary Mary Jones. 
    It is always a joy for a club president to be able to induct new members. Particularly at Lewisville Morning Rotary were new members are pinned and vested in their brand new Rotary vest. Both of which celebrate Rotary's Brand as PEOPLE of ACTION that place service above self.
    Meet our newest September Members John Pokorny 2019-09-05 05:00:00Z 0

    Meet our newest Rotarians

    Posted on Aug 29, 2019
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    Roxanne Ray-Troyer and Jeff Lighton
    our newest Rotary Members
    From left to right in the thumbnail photo above are new members Roxanne Ray-Troyer, Jeffrey Lighton, Club Secretary Mary Jones and Club President Tom Rowe.
    It is always a joy for a club president to be able to induct new members. Particularly at Lewisville Morning Rotary were new members are pinned and vested in their brand new Rotary vest. Both of which celebrate Rotary's Brand as PEOPLE of ACTION that place service above self.
    Meet our newest Rotarians John Pokorny 2019-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

    District 5790 Approves Grant Funds for Dental Equipment Project in Costa Rica

    Posted by Tom Rowe
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    District 5790 Approved $6301 in Rotary Foundation
    District Designated Funds to be used for a $55,000
    Global Grant to purchase Dental Equipment for a
    Free Clinic in Tirasses, Costa Rica
    In Costa Rica, immigrants do not receive government funded healthcare support. Our club is participating with the Rotary Club of San Pedro Curridabat (in Costa Rica) to fund a Global grant for the development of a free dental clinic to serve the needs of this population. Other local partnering organizations are building the clinic being built on an abandoned city dump by providing dental equipment for that clinic.
    District 5790 Approves Grant Funds for Dental Equipment Project in Costa Rica Tom Rowe 2019-08-26 05:00:00Z 0 Health Care,International service project,Oral Hygiene

    Lewisville Morning Rotary receives TRF Matching Grant for Dictionary Project

    Posted by Charlene Dierks
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    District 5790 Foundation Committee
    Announced approval of LMR Grant Request to 
    Purchase Dictionaries for 3rd Graders at 11 LISD Title I Schools
    The district announced approval of our grant request at the Aug 17th Vibrant Club Workshop in Aledo. The $2900 project will be funded by $2150 in club funds (from fund raisers such as our flag project) and $850 in Rotary Foundation Funds referred to as District Designated Funds (DDF). Our members generously support The Rotary Foundation. The funds that were donated 3 years ago accrued and a portion of those are made available for local projects such as this Dictionary Project. The real fun of this project will start mid September.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary receives TRF Matching Grant for Dictionary Project Charlene Dierks 2019-08-26 05:00:00Z 0 Community Service,Learning,Literacy

    Rotary Volunteers have a great time serving at Aug 10th HHW

    Posted by John Pokorny on Aug 10, 2019
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    Nine Rotary Volunteerswork with City Staff members
    to assist Lewisville residents to
    safely dispose of Household Hazardous Waste
    One a triple digit temperature day members of our Rotary club had a great time serving at the monthly Household Hazardous Waste Saturday. The term "making work fun" comes to life with this crew of members Todd Taylor (Chair), Samantha Taylor, Mark Smith, Tom Rowe, George Gober, Terry Kasen, Maithen Fluhrer, Mary Jones and John Pokorny.
    Come see us next month. For a list of household hazardous waste items we can accept, please visit the City of Lewisville website Hazardous Household Waste page.
    Rotary Volunteers have a great time serving at Aug 10th HHW John Pokorny 2019-08-10 05:00:00Z 0

    Volunteer Golf Cart Drivers needed for 50TH ANNIVERSARY TEXAS INTERNATIONAL POP FESTIVAL

    Posted on Aug 09, 2019
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    Volunteers needed to drive golf carts at the
    50th Anniversary of Texas Pop turns 50
    Aug 31st and Sept 1st.

    This will be a fun community service project for our members. Golf Cart Drivers are needed to assist in carrying patrons from the shuttle drop off point at the Main Gate to one of the two public entry gates into the festival zone.  For this event, there will not be any onsite parking for General Admission (only VIP Guests) and frequent shuttles will run from remote lots in the area. Volunteers must be at least 21 years old, have a valid TX drivers license & can present a copy of valid auto liability insurance. 

    To sign-up to volunteer, click here.

    Link lists shifts by day and time.


    Volunteer Golf Cart Drivers needed for 50TH ANNIVERSARY TEXAS INTERNATIONAL POP FESTIVAL 2019-08-09 05:00:00Z 0

    Denton County Mental Health Services highlighted at Aug 8th meeting

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    Phyllis Finley of Denton County MHMR
    provided excellent summary to 
    Mental Health services offered in Denton County
    regardless of ability to pay.
    Recent events in our society have highlighted the need for effective mental health services. We in Denton County are blessed to have Denton County MHMR. Phyllis Finely provided an excellent summary to our members at yesterdays meeting. We all need to communicate to your family, friends and neighbors that mental care help is available in our county regardless of ability to pay. To see a full summary of services offered, click here.
    Denton County Mental Health Services highlighted at Aug 8th meeting 2019-08-09 05:00:00Z 0

    Support Denton County MHMR by participating in Sept 7th Loss Team Race for Hope

    Posted on Aug 09, 2019
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    Denton County MHMR Center 
    is hosting its
    Sept 7th from 7 am to 11 am 
    South Lakes Park, 556 Hobson in Denton, TX
    Put together a team or join as an individual. They have a 5K individual race, a 5k team race, a one mile walk and a virtual 5k "run" for those that can't make it to Denton Sept 7th but want to support the cause. To register for any of these events, click here.
    Support Denton County MHMR by participating in Sept 7th Loss Team Race for Hope 2019-08-09 05:00:00Z 0

    Members supporting Sept 21st Special Abilities Fund Raiser

    Posted by Mary Jones on Aug 07, 2019
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    Special Abilities of North Texas
    serving the special needs community
    is hosting Denim, Diamonds and Dice Gala
    Consider attending the second annual Denim, Diamonds and Dice Gala at the MCL Grand Theater on Sept 21st from 7 pm to 11 pm. Funds raised support Special Abilities of North Texas a wonderful Lewisville Area non-profit supporting adults with special needs, giving them opportunities to succeed in life, family and the community. Tickets for this fun event are available by clicking here. To be an event sponsor for this Gala, click here.
    Members supporting Sept 21st Special Abilities Fund Raiser Mary Jones 2019-08-07 05:00:00Z 0

    August 3rd Blood Drive a Huge Success

    Posted on Aug 06, 2019
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    Blood Drive at Lakeland Plaza
    August 3rd
    Exceeded Blood Van Goals
    In a memo to us from Carter BloodCares Susan Holt she says; I wanted to thank you for an excellent blood drive on Saturday. We collected 26 pints of blood.

    26 pints X 3 = 78 lives saved by Premier Gun Show Donors and Rotary volunteers! BRAVO!!!
    Thank you to Dr. Kelly Reed who took over for Jeff Siebert in the hospital. Kelly managed the set-up, take down and transport of all the blood drive signs and coordinated the location for the CarterBlood Care bus. Other members helping arrange donors were Mark Smith, Terry Kasen, Maithen Fluhrer and John Pokorny. Most importantly, thank you to our 26 donors.
    August 3rd Blood Drive a Huge Success 2019-08-06 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotarians Party Hardy

    Posted on Aug 06, 2019
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    No such thing as 
    "All work and no play makes 
    Jack a dull boy" in the
    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club
    Our club is well known in Lewisville for the community service our members do throughout the year. We also love to party, enjoying good fellowship, food and beverages with our Rotary Families. We have two upcoming dates that members should mark on their calendars; the August 22nd 4th Thursday Mixer at the Larue Winery and the September 7th End of Summer Party (see graphic). Please register by clicking these links.
    Lewisville Morning Rotarians Party Hardy 2019-08-06 05:00:00Z 0

    Join our Bookworms September 9th

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club
    starting a
    Bookworms Group
    Join us September 9th for a fun book discussion on "Defending Jacob" a mystery novel by William Landay. Good fellowship, wine and perceptive conversation about one of today's intriguing books.
    Join our Bookworms September 9th 2019-08-01 05:00:00Z 0
    People of Action volunteer 2019-07-22 05:00:00Z 0

    It was a very good year & LMR celebrated at 2019 Pass-the-Gavel

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    2019 Pass-the-Gavel Event
    to be a celebration of a great year
    and a transition to 2019-2020 leadership team
    We have had an amazing Rotary year under Ray Bowens leadership. Wednesday evening June 26th, Ray will be passing the gavel to incoming president Tom Rowe. Just a few facts about Lewisville Morning Rotary's accomplishments these past 12 months.
    It was a very good year & LMR celebrated at 2019 Pass-the-Gavel 2019-06-24 05:00:00Z 0
    2019-2020 Flag Lease Subscription Sales is in full swing Bob Troyer 2019-06-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Serving Lewisville residents at Household Hazardous Waste Collection Saturday

    Posted on Jun 08, 2019
    Last Saturday, our members volunteered to empty over 100 Lewisville resident vehicles of Household Waste that cannot be discarded in our sewers of trash containers
    Lewisville Morning Rotary Members volunteer the 2nd Saturday of every month to serve our residents and help keep our environment clean. That waste is the safely separated and packaged for transport to organizations that recycle the waste.
    Serving Lewisville residents at Household Hazardous Waste Collection Saturday 2019-06-08 05:00:00Z 0

    LMR Selling Coffee fresh from Costa Rica in support of Dental Equipment Project

    Posted by Mark Smith on Jun 04, 2019
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    Costa Rica is famous for it's Coffee Bean Production
    Uses Environmentally Safe and Organic Farming Methods
    Our project partners Rotary Club of San Padro Curridabat have arranged coffee directly from production facilities in Costa Rica. 
    This coffee sale has limited supplies. We are selling 12 oz packages online by clicking here.
    LMR Selling Coffee fresh from Costa Rica in support of Dental Equipment Project Mark Smith 2019-06-04 05:00:00Z 0
    Perfect Attendance students win bikes at Central ES Bob Troyer 2019-05-25 05:00:00Z 0

    Wine Tasting Party - fun way to raise money for Costa Rica Dental Project

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    Lewisville Morning Rotary hosts May 17 Wine Tasting
    at Wine with (an) Appeal to raise funds for
    Clubs Dental Equipment Global Grant Project in Tirrases, Costa Rica
    In addition to the wine tasting, the club held a silent auction of items members such as Audra Johnson donated. Audra donated hand knitted items, others donated wine, coffee from Costa Rica and several others.
    Wine Tasting Party - fun way to raise money for Costa Rica Dental Project 2019-05-25 05:00:00Z 0

    Evan Anderson awarded May Student of the Month

    Posted on May 16, 2019
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    Principal Scot Finch announces
    Senior, Evan Anderson as Student of Month
    from Hebron High School
    Evan, a varsity basketball starter for HHS maintained a 3.9 grade point average for his high school career. He was a member of the National Honor Society and in the top 25% of his class.
    Evan Anderson awarded May Student of the Month Marilyn Pokorny 2019-05-16 05:00:00Z 0
    Missing Man Ceremony at closing of Wall that Heals 2019-05-07 05:00:00Z 0

    Online Flag Lease Program 2019-2020 Subscription is open

    Posted by Bob Troyer on May 07, 2019
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    The 2019 - 2020 Flag Subscription Program at your residence
    is now open for online new or renewal flag subscriptions
    Click here for details about this years lease program. Please share this link with your friends and neighbors in Lewisville, Castle Hills, Double Oak, Flower Mound and Highland Village. We partner with youth programs such as the boy scouts to erect and remove the flags during the designated holidays. This is our clubs major fund raiser whose proceeds are shared with our community partners.
    Online Flag Lease Program 2019-2020 Subscription is open Bob Troyer 2019-05-07 05:00:00Z 0
    Lewisville Morning Rotary well represented at the District 5790 An Evening with Stars Event 2019-05-07 05:00:00Z 0

    Hebron High School April Student of the Month

    Posted by Marilyn Pokorny on Apr 23, 2019
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    Congratulations Karishma Cordero, April Student of the Month
    honored at our April 25th meeting
    Hebron High School Principal, Scot Finch introduced Karishma Cordero to our members at our April 25th meeting. This senior with a 3.87 gpa achieved this lofty grade point average while taking Advance Placement Courses which give her college credit for work achieved while in high school.
    Hebron High School April Student of the Month Marilyn Pokorny 2019-04-23 05:00:00Z 0

    Costa Rica Dental Health Fair Team debriefs and discusses next trip in November

    Posted by Carolyn Wright on Apr 05, 2019
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    Team meets at Sneaky Pete's to debrief March trip experience
    and make recommendations for next trip in November.
    Both the traveling and stateside members of the March 9th Costa Rica Dental Fair in Tirrases, Costa Rica team met at Sneaky Pete's restaurant in Lewisville, Texas yesterday. Beyond having fun and fellowship together, the purpose of our meeting was to have an honest critique of what went well and what needs improvement.
    Costa Rica Dental Health Fair Team debriefs and discusses next trip in November Carolyn Wright 2019-04-05 05:00:00Z 0 Dental Care,beautiful Costa Rica

    Henrik Thimm returns for a visit to our April 11th Meeting

    Posted by John Pokorny on Apr 02, 2019
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    Our 2015-16 German Exchange Student Henrik Thimm 
    will be attending our April 11th meeting
    Henik is back in the states for two weeks visiting all the buds he made here in Texas while he was an exchange student. You may recall, Lewisville Morning Rotary Club was his host club. He spent the first few months living with the Pokorny's and the last few months living with the James Family  an exchange family of 5 a few doors down from the Pokorny's. Henrik attended Marcus HS where he played JV Basketball in addition to his academic endeavors.
    He looks forward to seeing and talking to club Rotarians filling us in on his adventures since returning home.
    Henrik Thimm returns for a visit to our April 11th Meeting John Pokorny 2019-04-02 05:00:00Z 0 Rotary Youth Exchange
    "Proudly Served, Proudly Serving" luncheon - April 26th Mary Jones 2019-04-02 05:00:00Z 0 Honoring our Vets

    Lewisville Morning Rotary to offer two Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

    Posted on Mar 28, 2019
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    LMR to provide 2 Scholarships for RYLA this year.
    RYLA is an intensive leadership development program developed in 1971 by Rotary International for youth leaders this year taking place at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, TX from  June 26 through 30, 2019.
    For a copy of the event flyer click here.
    To more information about event click here.
    To apply for RYLA click here.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary to offer two Rotary Youth Leadership Awards 2019-03-28 05:00:00Z 0
    Community Service Volunteers needed for Wall that Heals Mary Jones 2019-03-27 05:00:00Z 0 Wall that Heals

    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club to participate in the Wall that Heals Events

    Posted by Mary Jones and Todd Taylor on Mar 20, 2019
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    Event to open with LMR Flag Retirement Ceremony

    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club is proud to announce that we will be participating in the City of Lewisville The Wall That Heals, the mobile three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (The Wall) in Washington, D.C., will be on display Thursday, May 2 – Sunday, May 5, just west of the Bob Wiseman Soccer Complex at Lewisville Lake Park.


    Lewisville Morning Rotary Club to participate in the Wall that Heals Events Mary Jones and Todd Taylor 2019-03-20 05:00:00Z 0 Wall that Heals,patriotism
    Lewisville Morning Rotary in Video Audra Johnson 2019-03-12 05:00:00Z 0 Community Service,Why Lewisville Morning Rotary,Why Rotary

    Lewisville Morning Rotary Team returns from Tirrases, Costa Rica Health Fair Project

    Posted on Mar 12, 2019
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    Team of 6 Rotary members  and  5 local volunteer community members return
    Mark Smith and Carolyn Wright led a team of 11 to Costa Rica this past week end for an International Service project that involved providing dental care for 80 patients without access to health care in this community of 23,000 built on an abandoned land fill. Our club partnered with the Rotary Club of San Pedro-Curridabat for this health fair.
    We look forward to hearing about their adventures when we see them at the next meeting.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary Team returns from Tirrases, Costa Rica Health Fair Project 2019-03-12 05:00:00Z 0 Community Service,International service project

    Lewisville Morning Rotary awarded Rotary International Presidents Citation

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    Club receives RI Presidents Citation for 2017-2018 Rotary Year
    Immediate Past President Jeff Siebert, DDS accepts citation from Area 10 Assistant Governor Lori Fickerling at the February 28th meeting. The citation is given for achieving goals that strengthen Rotary and their club. Goals include increasing club membership, developing sustainable service projects, giving to The Rotary Foundation, and building awareness of Rotary in your community.
    Congratulations, Dr. Siebert for your fantastic leadership in achieving this prestigious award.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary awarded Rotary International Presidents Citation 2019-03-06 06:00:00Z 0 Presidents Citation

    Team of Lewisville Morning Rotary and community members heading to Costa Rica to volunteer

    Posted by Mark Smith on Mar 05, 2019
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    A team of 11 LMR and local community members
    to volunteer in Tirrases at Health Fair
    In the wee hours of this Thursday morning, 5 LMR members, 1 LNR member and 5 community members will be leaving the airport bound for Costa Rica to participate in a community health fair serving the indigent population of Tirrases, Costa Rica. We will be partnering with the Rotary Club of San Jose Curridabat to serve 80 dental patients and many more medical care patients at the health fair Saturday, March 9th.
    Team of Lewisville Morning Rotary and community members heading to Costa Rica to volunteer Mark Smith 2019-03-05 06:00:00Z 0 Community Service,International service project,service above self

    Club Members deliver Perfect Attendance Bikes to Central ES

    Posted by Jeff Siebert on Feb 25, 2019
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    Lewisville Morning Rotary promotes Perfect Attendance at Central ES
    You can't learn if you are not in school. The staff and teachers at Central ES (our adopted school) work very hard to prepare our students for a successful education. We need to encourage our students to be there every day if possible. For the last 15 years our club has been encouraging students to achieve perfect attendance throughout the school year. At the end of the school year we work with administration to recognize those students that have achieved that milestone. All students that achieved perfect attendance are recognized and win a goody bag full of treats and games. Two lucky students in each grade, whose name is drawn at random win a bike.
    Club Members deliver Perfect Attendance Bikes to Central ES Jeff Siebert 2019-02-25 06:00:00Z 0 Literacy

    Lewisville Morning Rotary members to Honor HHS Student of the Month

    Posted by John Pokorny on Feb 19, 2019
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    Hebron High School Principal Scot Finch introduced our February Student of the Month Ireland Beverley
    Congratulations Ireland!
    Ireland is a Senior at Hebron with multiple academic and athletic accomplishments during 4 years. She is a National Honor Society member and Science National Honor Society member that is within the top 10% of her class of over 900 students. She has excelled as a member of the award winning HHS Cheerleading squad. Having taken multiple AP courses she is well prepared for her next challenge at Texas A&M during the next 4 years.
    In addition to her academic and athletic accomplishments, Ireland has honed her leadership skills and has an impressive list of community service activities.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary members to Honor HHS Student of the Month John Pokorny 2019-02-19 06:00:00Z 0 awards

    The 2019 Dictionary Project a complete success!

    Posted by Charlene Dierks on Feb 06, 2019
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    R - O - T - A - R - Y
    "This is your dictionary." -  "Now lets do a little exercise." - "Find the word rotary."
    This just part of the script members use when visiting 11 Lewisville ISD elementary schools this week to deliver dictionaries to 3rd graders. This project not only provides dictionaries to students that they can keep throughout their academic career, it is just plain fun to be part of the team delivering the books and helping them learn.
    Planning for this project which is partially funded through our clubs fund raising projects and matching funds from The Rotary Foundation started at the beginning of the school year. When the dictionaries were delivered late January our team went to work. Marilyn Pokorny prepared labels. Last Saturday a team of committee chair Charlene Dierks, Ray Bowens, Tom Rowe, Mark Smith, Nancy Smith and Bob Troyer worked to insert the labels in 1028 dictionaries and sign each dictionary. It is a labor of love in preparation for delivery this week.
    The 2019 Dictionary Project a complete success! Charlene Dierks 2019-02-06 06:00:00Z 0


    Posted by Mark Smith and Carolyn Wright on Jan 16, 2019
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    Fly anywhere that Southwest Airlines Flies
    2018 Southwest Airlines Ⓡ Tickets Raffle organized by
    District 5790 Lewisville Morning Rotary Club
    RAFFLE Benefiting a Community Dental Project in Tirrases, Costa Rica
    Raffle tickets are 1 FOR $20 | 3 FOR $50 | 7 FOR $100.
    The drawing will take place on February 28, 2019
    To purchase tickets on-line click here.
    2018 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES® TICKETS RAFFLE Mark Smith and Carolyn Wright 2019-01-16 06:00:00Z 0 Airlines,Dental Care,Southwest,airline ticket raffle

    HHS Senior Jamal Henry recognized as January Student of the Month

    Posted by Marilyn Pokorny on Jan 16, 2019
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    Jamal Henry to be recognized as
    Hebron High School Student of the Month
    Lewisville Morning Rotary members and guests received a treat when they met Hebron High School's Rotary Student of the Month at their January 17th meeting.  Jamal has a kindred spirit with Rotary members because of his "Service Above Self" attitude about life. An excellent student, mature beyond his years, he volunteers as an office aide and works as a "PE Partner" with special needs kids.
    HHS Senior Jamal Henry recognized as January Student of the Month Marilyn Pokorny 2019-01-16 06:00:00Z 0
    AJ's Video about the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club 2018-12-30 06:00:00Z 0 Lewisville Morning Rotary,video

    Hebron High School student Faizann Vidhani recognized at Dec 20th meeting

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    Hebron High School Principal Scot Finch introduced HHS Student of the Month at Dec 20th meeting
    Mr. Finch introduced the Hebron High School December Student of the Month today. Senior, Faizann Vidhani is ranked 5th in his class with 4.0 GPA that was achieved even while taking 13 advanced placement courses.
    Congratulations Faizaan Vidhani - December Student of the Month!
    Hebron High School student Faizann Vidhani recognized at Dec 20th meeting 2018-12-18 06:00:00Z 0

    HELP! Carter BloodCare needs volunteers Dec 22nd

    Posted by Jeff Siebert on Dec 18, 2018
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    Because of low Blood Supplies, Carter BloodCare has added Blood Drive on Dec 22nd at the Music City Mall
    For the past few years, the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club has become one of Carter BloodCares most trusted partners to help them organize volunteers for the Blood Drives in the the Lewisville area such as at the Music City Mall. Susan Holt of Carter BloodCare has come to us again for our volunteer help for a blood drive this Saturday at Music City Mall. Help is needed to encourage last minute shoppers to take a few minutes away from their shopping to "Give the Gift of Life".  
    While this December 22nd event was not included in our clubs planned community service events, we encourage every member to consider taking an hour out of their day to volunteer. Bring family members. If so inclined, dress for the occasion with Christmas paraphernalia or even a vampire cape like Jeff wears. Please register your volunteer intentions by clicking here.
    HELP! Carter BloodCare needs volunteers Dec 22nd Jeff Siebert 2018-12-18 06:00:00Z 0

    Saving Lives December 8th Blood Drive

    Posted by Jeff Siebert
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    Blood Donated at Dec. 8th Blood Drive in the Music City Mall will Save 57 Lives
    December 8, 2018 was another very busy day for the Rotary Club of Lewisville Morning. Not only did we serve the community by helping residents empty their vehicles of the Household Hazardous Waste to be safely recycled or destroyed, our members hosted a Blood Drive at the Music City Mall Shopping Center. Below is a message we received from Susan Holt the Carter BloodCare representative.

    On behalf of Carter BloodCare we would like to thank you, your Rotary volunteers, and all the wonderful donors that gave of their time to help others.
    Saving Lives December 8th Blood Drive Jeff Siebert 2018-12-17 06:00:00Z 0

    The Colony HS Interact Club does Stockings for Students

    Posted by Tammy Ellis on Dec 13, 2018
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    TCHS Interact Club December Project - Stockings for Students
    For their December community service project, Interact Club members 37 stockings for our LovePacs kids. Lovepacs is an organization that was born out of a shared desire to help children in our community. They strive to make sure no child goes hungry while on breaks from school. 
    In addition to stockings for Lovepac kids, Interact members were able to help the Angel Tree kids by filling 8 more stockings, making Christmas merry for these children also.
    The Colony HS Interact Club does Stockings for Students Tammy Ellis 2018-12-13 06:00:00Z 0 Community Service,service above self
    Congratulation to LMR member Audra Johnson 2018-12-06 06:00:00Z 0

    Saving Lives December 1st Blood Drive

    Posted by Jeff Siebert
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    Blood Donated at Dec. 1st Blood Drive in Lakeside Plaza will Save 51 Lives
    December 1, 2018 was a very busy day for the Rotary Club of Lewisville Morning. Not only did we serve 750 pancake and sausage breakfasts to Lewisville families at the Old Town Lewisville Holiday Stroll Breakfast with Santa, our members hosted a Blood Drive at the Lakeside Plaza Shopping Center. Below is a message we received from Susan Holt the Carter BloodCare representative.

    On behalf of Carter BloodCare we would like to thank you, Lewisville Morning Rotary Club, and Premier Gun Show for sponsoring this blood drive.
    Saving Lives December 1st Blood Drive Jeff Siebert 2018-12-05 06:00:00Z 0

    Breakfast with Santa is a SOLD OUT Event

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    This years Breakfast with Santa was a Complete Success
    A huge thank you to the 43 Rotary member, community volunteers and city staff workers that made this years event such a community success. We SOLD OUT serving 750 pancake and sausage meals to families from throughout the community that came to visit Santa and watch the parade at noon.
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to all our members, volunteers, sponsors and partners for making this such a successful event.
    Breakfast with Santa is a SOLD OUT Event 2018-12-03 06:00:00Z 0 Breakfast with Santa,Holiday Stroll,Lewisville Police Dept,Pancakes,Sausage

    The Rotary Foundation releases Annual Report

    This is an Annual Report like you have not seen before.
    Very well done, easy to follow report about everything Rotary accomplished in 2017-2018
    Not just The Rotary Foundation - A global report of everything available to our 36,678 Clubs 
    Well worth the time to go through.
    The Rotary Foundation releases Annual Report 2018-12-03 06:00:00Z 0

    Thank You Sponsor's

    We would like to give a great big shout out to all the Breakfast with Santa sponsors that are supporting this event at Wayne Ferguson Plaza on Saturday Dec. 1st from 8:00 AM until noon. Below are the place mats we will be using while serving a delicious breakfast of pancakes and sausage after families visit Santa Clause.
    Thank You Sponsor's 2018-11-28 06:00:00Z 0

    Student of the Month Marquis Johnson honored

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    Congratulations Marquis!
    Hebron HS Junior, Marquis Johnson named Student of the Month at Nov 16th meeting
    Marquis has had a stellar high school career with a 3.9 grade point average. He is a member of the Hebron HS Hawks football and track teams. In addition, he supports several of the Hebron High School athletic teams as a Ruckus and Rowdy member.
    When he completes his studies at Hebron, Marquis plans to attend Oklahoma State where he plans to study Aerospace Administration and Operations to become a pilot.
    Student of the Month Marquis Johnson honored 2018-11-21 06:00:00Z 0
    End Polio Update - Nov 9, 2018 2018-11-10 06:00:00Z 0 End Polio

    5000 People viewed 8th Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony on MAD 
    Radio FB Live Video

    Lewisville Morning Rotary Event viewed on  MAD Radio Facebook Live Video.
    Last Saturday, Lewisville Morning Rotary hosted its 8th Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony at the Wayne Ferguson Plaza in Lewisville, TX. We invited John Solerno host of MAD Radio to join us. John did a live video broadcast the entire event for his audience. So, in addition to those that attended, 5714 watched our #peopleofaction members host this wonderful tribute to our flag, our country and all the veterans that have served in the armed forces.
    5000 People viewed 8th Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony on MAD Radio FB Live Video 2018-11-03 05:00:00Z 0 Honoring our Country,Honoring our Vets,honoring flag
    Make a date to join us of the Alzhiemer's Fund Raiser Nov 17th Bill Shaw 2018-10-29 05:00:00Z 1 Craft Beer,alzheimers,fund raising
    2018 Flag Retirement Ceremony - A Memorable Event 2018-10-28 05:00:00Z 1 flag,honoring flag,patriotism

    LMR Seeking Event Sponsors for Pancake Breakfast with Santa

    Posted by Taylor Bankroff on Oct 22, 2018
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    This will be the 5th year that Lewisville Morning Rotary members will be hosting Pancake Breakfast with Santa. This year the event will take place under the big top on the Wayne Ferguson Plaza Saturday, December 1st from 8 AM until Noon.
    For our sponsors convenience, you may now purchase your sponsorship on line at
    Hover your pointer over blue letting above to go to on-line purchase page.
    LMR Seeking Event Sponsors for Pancake Breakfast with Santa Taylor Bankroff 2018-10-22 05:00:00Z 0 business sponsor

    Lewisville Morning Rotary participating in Read Across Central

    Posted on Oct 15, 2018
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    Read Across Central October 26th
    Be the Inspiration is the 2018-19 Rotary Theme. Rotary members from our club will be inspiring the children in our adopted school, Central ES to be life long readers on October 26th. This is one of the most enjoyable projects we do with the kids.
    All club members and their families are encouraged to join us. Register now for your time slot and class assignment by clicking here.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary participating in Read Across Central 2018-10-15 05:00:00Z 1 Literacy
    What are Rotary Fellowships? 2018-10-15 05:00:00Z 0

    Join us for our 8th Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony

    Posted by Frank Hebb on Oct 06, 2018
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    The Lewisville Morning Rotary Club announces its Eighth Annual United States Flag Retirement Ceremony to be held Saturday, October 27, 2018. The event will be held at 1 p.m. at Wayne Ferguson Plaza on Church St in Lewisville.
    Members are asked to volunteer for an event assignment by clicking here.
    Join us for our 8th Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony Frank Hebb 2018-10-06 05:00:00Z 0
    Polio Eradication Update 2018-10-01 05:00:00Z 0

    Meet our newest member Taylor Bankroff

    Posted on Sep 28, 2018
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    Taylor Faye Bankroff joins Lewisville Morning Rotary
     Like many of us, Taylor is not a native Texan, but she got here as quickly as she could. She is an Indiana native that graduated from Purdue with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering. After which, she received a Masters of Business Administration Degree from Kelly School of Business in Bloomington, IN.
    Currently working for Rheem Manufacturing in Lewisville as the Assistant Project Manager. She lives in Lewisville and is an active volunteer in Journey with a Dream, a Rheem community outreach program.
    Taylor is pictured here with her Sponsor Bill Shaw and club president Roy Bowens
    Congratulations Taylor Bankroff!
    We look forward to volunteering with you as a member of the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club.
    Meet our newest member Taylor Bankroff 2018-09-28 05:00:00Z 0

    Lewisville Morning Rotary Participates in Western Days hosting two events

    Posted on Sep 25, 2018
    Come join us at the Western Days Festival
    Lewisville Morning Rotary proudly hosts two Western Days Events - Register online to participate or at the events located on Main and Mill.
    The Hot Diggity Dog Hoedown on Sept 28th from 5 pm to 9 pm
    Here are some links you will find useful. Hover pointer over item and click.
    Lewisville Morning Rotary Participates in Western Days hosting two events 2018-09-25 05:00:00Z 0

    Thank You to all our Western Days Event Sponsors

    Posted on Sep 24, 2018
    Lewisville Morning Rotary wishes to thank all the Sponsors for our two Western Days Events.
    Hot Doggity Dog Hoedown Sept. 28th and our 21st Annual Car and Motorcycle Show Sept 29th
    George and Susan Gober - Have a very successful Western Days
                                                                                                    Mary Jones, Regional Distributor and Business Consultant
                                                                                      Ray Bowens - Owner                     
           Flower Mound                                      407 in Flower Mound        Main St. in Lewisville
                                                                                        of Lewisville          Denton & Lewisville                                               
                                                                                                        Mill Steet Tire
    Heineken- BBQ & Tamale Steamer
    Family of Rotary
    Diana McMillin
    Frank and Pat Hebb
    John and Marilyn Pokorny
    Mark and Nancy Smith
    Thank You to all our Western Days Event Sponsors 2018-09-24 05:00:00Z 0
    Loyal Sponsors, Verfs Tavern and Grill and the Shoal Creek Tavern agree to sponsor all 3 of Lewisville Morning Rotary Annual Fund Raisers for 3rd year in a row 2018-09-21 05:00:00Z 0
    Maverick Harley Davidson and Lonestar Harley Davidson are Event Sponsors for our 21st Annual Car and Motorcycle Show Terry Kasen 2018-09-21 05:00:00Z 0

    Meet our September Student of the Month Maddie Edwards

    Posted on Sep 20, 2018
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    Hebron High School Senior Maddie Edwards Named September Student of the Month
    What a joy to recognize Maddie last week. She is on the A-B Honor Roll including taking advanced courses such as Pre-calculus and AP English. She is also active in the Encore Theater as a Varsity Member. She is the Chair of the Lewisville ISD Student Advisory Committee. Also, Maddie is an Officer on the HHS Student Council, a "leader" in the FCA, is a member of the Thespians National Honor Society as well as being leader in the "I Am Second" Sports Bible Study group.
    When she completes her high school studies she is planning to attend either Texas Tech or Texas A&M where she plans to study pre-law. When her collegiate studies are done it is her intention to remain very active in community service activities contributing where ever her talent leads. Her career choice will be focused in those careers where can be happy while contributing to a better world.
    Meet our September Student of the Month Maddie Edwards 2018-09-20 05:00:00Z 0

    Meet our newest member, Mark Smith

    Posted on Sep 15, 2018
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    Mark Smith inducted as a member of the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club Sept. 13th
    Say hello to our newly inducted member Mark Smith. Mark and his wife Nancy are 40 year residents of Lewisville. Mark recently retired from Pepsi as the IT Asset Manager for their North American operations. Mark and Nancy have one child (Trisha).
    Marks Lewiville roots are deep. He is a proud Fighting Farmer. He is a 2005 graduate of the Lewisville Citizen's Police Academy. We look forward to serving along side Mark during Lewisville Morning Rotary's projects and fund raisers.
    Meet our newest member, Mark Smith 2018-09-15 05:00:00Z 0

    Have you met Celina yet?

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    Celina Marinez joins Lewisville Morning Rotary
    Celina was inducted as a member of our club on August 23rd. She is the Human Resources Manager for Rheem A/C Division here in Lewisville, Texas. She lives in Haslett, TX with her 3 children.
    A member of the Kappa Delta Chi Sorority she has been committed to life of community service since her college days. We look forward to serving along side Celina during Lewisville Morning Rotary projects and fund raisers.
    Have you met Celina yet? 2018-09-15 05:00:00Z 0

    2018 Car and Motorcycle Show at Western Days

    Posted by Terry Kasen on Sep 08, 2018

    Join us for the 21st annual car and motorcycle show event being held during the Lewisville Western Days Festival.
    The show will be held in Old Town Lewisville at the intersection of Main St. & Mill Streets. Hosted by the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club.

    Longhorn and Maverick Harley Davidson are also helping to sponsor the event and will have some fun activities for guests.

    Participants in the show may preregister on-line at:
    There is a $20 entry fee for cars and motorcycles.

    2018 Car and Motorcycle Show at Western Days Terry Kasen 2018-09-08 05:00:00Z 0
    Lewisville Morning Rotary announces 1st Annual Hot Diggity Dog Hoedown at Western Days Mary Jones 2018-09-08 05:00:00Z 0

    Don't Miss our 4th Thursday Evening Meeting

    Posted on Aug 23, 2018
    It is the 4th Thursday of the month - 7 PM Evening Meeting
    Our new flexible meeting schedule will allow those whose schedules prohibit an early morning meeting an opportunity to enjoy the fellowship and fun at our once a once month 7 PM meetings.
    We have a great speaker planned in Connie Pelphery who will be sharing Lewisville Education Foundation's exciting plans for the Curiouser and Curiouser Ball.
    Join us at the Old Town Brewhouse at 7 PM tomorrow, August 23rd for a enjoyable Rotary experience.
    Don't Miss our 4th Thursday Evening Meeting 2018-08-23 05:00:00Z 0
    Aug 18th End Polio Update 2018-08-20 05:00:00Z 0 End Polio
    Come join us Thursday Aug 16 as we honor Lewisville Police Chief Russ Kerbow 2018-08-11 05:00:00Z 0

    Membership Committee People of Action Membership Plan Announcement

    Posted by Lori Krouskos on Aug 03, 2018
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    Sustaining our clubs Fantastic Community Service Image requires a People of Action Growth Plan
    Our club is an award winning club known in the community for its service. We know the need for community service volunteer activities such as ours is great. Our membership has big hearts, but to be able to continue our service mission in the community, we need more members like us that have a passion for giving of their time, talent and treasure.
    Membership in Rotary is by invitation. We invite friends and neighbors to our meetings and service projects so they can learn about our club's passion for service. Such passion is infectious and these friends and neighbors become interested in being an active part of Rotary.
    Membership Committee People of Action Membership Plan Announcement Lori Krouskos 2018-08-03 05:00:00Z 0
    District Governor Gerald Robinson recognizes LMR People of Action 2018-07-19 05:00:00Z 0
    Lewisville Morning Rotary to be International partner with Host Club Rotario San Pedro Curridabat on Global Grant Project to develop a Dental Clinic in Tirrasis, Costa Rica 2018-07-19 05:00:00Z 0